14 - Daikokuten

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"So that is where Q is being held?" Dazai asked, stopping in front of a hut.

The two of you had trudged uphill through a forest, to where Q was supposedly located. It was the dead of night, with the only light being that of the full moon. Usually, you wouldn't be sent out on night missions. But due to it being a full moon, and because Dazai's relentless begging annoyed you, you agreed to join him on this mission. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared. Both you and Dazai turned to face the source, only to find a small battalion emerging from the trees. 

"Good evening!" A blonde in suspenders greeted. "Our strategic officer's pretty good at predicting enemy movements, so..."

"A trap, hm?" You checked. 

Suddenly, a huge boulder came barrelling through the woods, encompassed in a familiar crimson glow. The soldiers immediately began firing, only for each of the bullets to be stopped midair before harmlessly falling to the ground. Dazai groaned and massaged his temples, already fearing an oncomming headache, while you simply hid behind Dazai in an effort to avoid conversation.

"Just so you know," the newcomer snarled. "Once this trash is taken care of, you're next, got it?"

"Ah, I should've known," Dazai grumbled. "This is why I had no energy this morning..."

"No way!" The blonde from earlier gasped, creating grap vines through his hands. "There was no mention of a possible surprise attack!"

You now recognised his Steinbeck, the plant manipulator that Kunikida and Tanizaki fought a week ago. This was also the man who harboured Q, and used them to curse the people at the Guild's will.

"Oop! Sorry, no can do on that!" Dazai trilled, cancelling Steinbeck's ability.

"You're alive?" Chuuya hissed, now that Dazai was no longer covering you.

"Oops?" You laughed nervously.

"Wha....?!" Steinbeck exclaimed. "You can cancel skills?!"

"We'll discuss this later," Chuuya glared, leaping over Dazai to land a kick on the enemy. 

Steinbeck was sent flying into the woods, with the changed gravity causing multiple trees to crush under his weight.

"Ugh this sucks," Chuuya groaned. 

"You think I like it?" Dazai scoffed.

"I'm starting to wish I didn't come along," you muttered. 

"This has been the worst day in years," Dazai grumbled.

"Why do I have to work with a guy like him?" Chuuya whined.

"Why am I the one stuck between this?" You glared, watching the two reach for the door handle simultaneously.

"Stop walking next to me," Chuuya spat out. 

"You're the one who moved towards me, Chuuya," Dazai pointed out.

"If not for this job, I'd shred you into tiny pieces, you know that?" Chuuya snarled. "So back off a good two meters."

"Alright, suit yourself," Dazai shrugged.

"I'm glad you're both ecstatic to see each other, but we've got a job to do," you glared, pushing the door open. 

Chuuya sighed in annoyance, yet trudged in behind you as well.

"Dazai, have you heard of Pétrus?" Chuuya began, flipping the trapdoor open. "It's a wine that goes for eye-popping prices. The night you fled from the Mafia, we celebrated with a 1989 vintage. That's how sick I was of you."

N. Chuuya X Fem! Reader: The Territory of GravityWhere stories live. Discover now