20 - Mutual Destruction (Part 1)

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"Is it true the President was attacked?!" Atsushi yelled, running into the office the next morning.

"It is," you nodded. "He is alive but unconscious, struck by an unknown illness."

"Not even Yosano-Sensei can heal him," Kunikida sighed.

"I've been poking around, and assassinations like those seem to be frequent lately," Dazai informed, raising his hand to get Kunikida's attention. "Skill Users, attacked at night in back alleys... several victims have already had their lives taken."

"What do we know about the killer?" Kunikida demanded.

"We know he uses a skill of unknown nature, and he wears a mask."

"A masked assassin..." Kunikida pondered. "I see..."

"But we may find the criminal dead before we even take any action," you reminded.

"Oh?" Atsushi asked. "Why?"

"Think about it, Atsushi. Given that a Skill User Killer is on the loose here in the city, which group do you think would take the most damage?" You questioned.

"...The Special Division for Unusual Powers?"

You shook your head and replied, "Other side."

"The Port Mafia?" Atsushi gaped.

"These killings, executed beyond the 'Night Wardens' authourity... it's humiliation for a family of Skill Users. It's the same as holding a knife to their noses," Dazai explained. "If this killer claims any Mafia victims..."

"Their authority will be crushed, I presume?" Kunikida sighed. "But will they move before they're struck?"

You couldn't help but laugh.

"L/N-San?" Kunikida gaped, watching you laugh in the face of a situation this dire.

"Sorry, sorry," you breathed out, adjusting your glasses. "But they will. Mori-San always said that whoever strikes first will also win. And the mafia's net runs deep. Not only that, they have many assassins in their ranks. All of us know the places for an assassin to hide in. In fact, by now... I'm sure they've ferreted out his location."

"How can you be so sure?" Kunikida asked.

"I was the former advisor for Mori-San, were you not informed of this when we formed our alliance with them to overthrow the Guild?" You hummed, surprised.

Kunikida fainted.

"Well, I'll be off, then," Dazai shrugged, hopping off his desk.

He threw on his coat before heading out to investigate the assassination attempt. You could only hope that he'd return with results, and preferably a solution. Not too long after, Kunikida, Atsushi and you went out after him, tracking his location. He'd requested for backup to be there at a certain time, so you arranged it and went after him. However, by the time you got there, he lay on the ground, bleeding out from a bullet wound.

"Shit!" You grit out, rushing over to get him out.

Suddenly, you felt intense bloodlust coming from above you. Immediately recognising it as a sniper, you raised a shield to protect both you and Dazi, before carrying him out to the nearest ambulance.

"He'll live, right?" Atsushi asked, seeing your unusually nervous expression.

"Of course he will," you breathed out. "It's just been a while before he's done something this reckless without telling me beforehand."

"Right, I forgot you're basically childhood friends," Atsushi admitted, sheepish. "But.. what would you have done if you knew, L/N-San?"

"Going after him would put my own life in danger, but I would have at least told him to wear a bulletproof vest," you grumbled, lighting a cigarette. "We should head back."

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