15.7 - Dazai, Chuuya, Aged Fifteen

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The Port Mafia had many unsolved cases, something you learnt as soon as you became a subexecutive. One of these cases just so happened to be the finding of Arahabaki, an incident that was tied with the explosion that created Suribachigai. The only reported eye witness at the site was Randou, who claimed to be at the center of the upside-down cone, which reached a depth of two kilometers. Yet, Randou claimed that he could see the sea from his spot.

Even as a thirteen year-old, when you were first granted access to these files, you found it suspicious. However, when you mentioned it to the previous boss, he demanded you leave the file be. For according to him, not only was it rude to question your elders, it was especially rude to question your higher-ups.

So, you listened to him. Because even if you had been right, Randou was close friends with Mori and a trusted subordinate of the previous boss. No matter how far you argued, the previous boss would never give in. You were well aware that Dazai and Chuuya had both figured it out, though you didn't think they would get far with claims alone.

You sighed for seemingly the hundredth time as you threw on some clothes for Chuuya's party, before heading to the hall that Dazai was decorating. A gut feeling had almost made you cancel the whole ordeal, but that would only end up in Dazai being disappointed. So, to satisfy both parties, you pocketed a gun. Should anything happen to confirm the uneasiness in your stomach, you would at least be prepared to deal with it.

"Randou-San?" You sputtered, surprised to see him present, enjoying some tea with Dazai.

"I was just getting to the best part of the story!" Dazai pouted. "Randou-San is the culprit of our case!"

Randou, who was listening quietly, sighed as if he had given up.

"You and Chuuya-kun had a bet," Randou said. "In that case, you won. Since you found the culprit first."

"Thank you, Randou-san." Dazai smiled. "With this, I can use him as my dog for life―"

Something broke through the wall and jumped in the room.

Randou's body was struck from the side and flew to the other side of the room.

"―ound you!" There was a violent shout. "I win the bet with this scheming bastard! You're the culprit!"

Randou broke through the wall of the building and flew outside the room, tumbling along on the ground.

On top of that, a small figure leaned forward.

Dazai couldn't believe his eyes. "...Wow."

"Sorry, but this is the end of the line for you." Naturally, Chuuya had a proud smile. "There's no escaping my eye. I predicted a long time ago you were lying about―Woah, the sly bastard! What are you doing here?!"

"That's my line, Chibi-San." Dazai said with a bored face. "Just so you know, I beat you to the prosecution. I was in the middle of explaining his crime."

"Huh? In the middle of? So you're not done yet? Then it's my win. I beat the culprit, in other words, my victory. The guy who is strong wins. That's the truth of this world," Chuuya smirked victoriously.

"It's guys like you that make the world full of raw meat," you said, a look of disgust gracing your face. "Did you come to that conclusion from Randou-San's inconsistency with the sea?"

"The sea?" Chuuya stared at you blankly. "What are you talking about?"

"Hm? Then how did you find out Randou-san was the culprit?" Dazai gaped.

"Right when I heard his story. So far, the testimonies had only talked about seeing the old man. However, he said he saw the body of Arahabaki. That's impossible, so I knew it was a lie," Chuuya scoffed.

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