15.4 - Dazai, Chuuya, Aged Fifteen

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You didn't get far before black flames surrounded you and the troops. The King slowed down as well, giving you enough time to tackle him and cuff him in ability cancelling handcuffs.

"He'll be executed later," you nodded, coughing at the large amounts of smoke.

The wave of black attack that came from the side knocked everything over. Not just the people, but buildings, cable wires, trees. Everything was flattened in moments, and the air itself seemed hostile as it bared its fangs down upon you.

That was the black explosion.

Near Suribachigai, a large explosion occurred. It wasn't just an explosion, it was a ball of flame that took out an entire area.

If it weren't for the fact that you had pinned the King down and were sat on top of him, shielding both of you with your solid constructs, you would've both been blown away like fallen leaves. Dazai, however, wasn't so lucky. He was thrust into you as if he weighed nothing more than a petal in a nice summer breeze.

He groaned as he landed on top of you, still recovering from the pain in his ribs.

"We'll get you home soon, Osamu," you whispered, protecting him as well.

Though, he saw through a small hole inbetween your shields. He saw a pair of bright, red eyes. Wrinkles that were etched with decades of death and violence, along with white hair. The figure that was calm even inside the black flame, or rather, seemed like he were wearing the black flame like a coat and standing as if he were the king of hell.


"The old boss!" Dazai shouted, pulling away from you and running in.

"Osamu!" You called after him, though he didn't hear you, for he too was swallowed by the darkness.

You pursed your lips and stood up as the fog cleared, collecting all your weaponry and the bodyguards, before effortlessly picking up the King and holding him over your shoulder.

"Put me down you bitch!" He demanded, thrashing about.

"Shut up brat," you snarled. "Because of you, I now lost my friend and a lead. You're lucky Osamu knows how to fend for himself."

"What now ma'am?" The bodyguards asked.

"We're going back to the base, collect all the evidence," you instructed. "I'm killing every single one of the Sheep, we'll have the King watch as I torture them."

With that, you picked up your phone and dialed a familiar number, to give a status update.

"L/N-kun, if it isn't an update on the boss I don't want to hear it," Mori sighed.

"Is Randou-San with you?" You asked, which instantly caused Mori's breath to hitch. "We lost Osamu, he'll be back, trust me. But I need to hold a prisoner, just the nullification cuffs won't be enough."

"I will invite him," Mori confirmed. "However your loss of Dazai-kun is still a problem that will have to be dealt with accordingly."

"Need I remind you that you need me, Boss?" You scoffed. "You will not be dishing out a consequence, because it was not I who lost him. He was kidnapped after I told him to not run in."

Mori sighed on the other end of the phone, though agreed nonetheless, and you brought the King back to the Port mafia base. Throwing him into the dungeons, you locked him up, before going upstairs to your apartment to sleep after the long day.

The next day, you were called into Mori's office, something you had already expected.

"Morning," you yawned, still in your pyjamas.

"For the love of God kid, at least wear proper clothes when you're coming to see your boss," Mori grumbled, handing you your coffee mug.

"Any updates on Osamu?" You asked, grabbing your coat.

"He came in bruised and battered last night, bones broken and all," Mori explained. "I fixed him up to the best of my abilities."

"Good," you nodded. "What about Randou-San?"

"He's with the prisoner right now," Mori informed.

"Very well, bring him in," you requested. "I'll change and inform Osamu. He can join us when he sees fit."

Mori smirked at your authority and nodded, dismissing you. One thing you didn't know was that he appointed you as Consigerie so that you could run the Port Mafia one day. His next choice was Dazai, who had seen him work for over a year. Though you had fought on the field since you were ten, you had lived here longer than most had. That made you the perfect candidate.

You returned, wearing a white button up shirt, black suit pants and a grey trench coat, along with black gloves. Your shoes were the same plated boots that you'd been gifted nearly three years ago. The prisoner himself was still wearing a green wind rider and black jeans as another figure dragged him into the office.

"Stand, brat," you spat, kicking him.

The prisoner stood up and begrudgingly faced Mori and the figure next to himself.

"Welcome to the Port Mafia, Nakahara Chuuya-kun," Mori drawled.

Mori spoke at the office desk on the top floor of the Mafia Building. It was a dim and spacious room with a shielded window controlled by electricity. The boss's office was one of the most difficult places to invade in Yokohama. In the middle, Chuuya happily stood facing Mori.

"I'm honoured to have been invited by you," he nodded respectfully.

Chuuya was detained. Both hands were handcuffed, both arms were tied up with leather restraints, and both legs were covered with large chains made to tow ships. Steel wires used for construction work were wrapped around his ankles and fixed to the metal fittings on the floor. His fist was covered in a steel cage so that it could never be opened again. In addition, countless red cubes appeared to surround the fuselage. It was an ability; a subspace constraint to bind Chuuya.

The ability's power was due to the gifted escort who stood next to Chuuya. However, even with such heavy restraints, the gifted escort was still nervous. He concentrated all his nerves to react instantly should Chuuya even show the slightest sign of rebellion. He was a skilled ability user in the mafia, though there was no room for error.

"I heard from the Consigerie and her troops that you put on quite the show yesterday," Mori smiled over his desk. "An all-round slaughter against our subordinates. As expected from the head of the Sheep."

"Not for long before someone got in my way. Unfortunately," Chuuya smiled through grit teeth. "I'm sure you brought me here in regards to that, right? The black explosion from then - about the black flames of Arahabaki."

At that moment, the door opened.

"Excuse me.... oh?" A weak voice mumbled.

It was Dazai who showed his face.

"Dazai-kun, I've been waiting for you," Mori nodded.

"The withered tree branch from yesterday!" Chuuya yelled. "How dare you show yourself!"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm glad you're full of energy as ever. I'm injured pretty badly over here, as you can see," Dazai grumbled.

It was true, he was covered from head to toe in bandages and his right arm needed to be put in a cast as well. Based on his slight limp, you assumed he had a brace as well for his ribs.

"You shouldn't have run in dumbass," you mumbled, wrapping your arms around him as you breathed out a sigh of relief. "You'll only get yourself killed one day."

"Good, that's the plan," Dazai shrugged, turning back to Chuuya. "Is your vitality the only thing that grows? Or does all the nutrition go to your brain rather than your height?"

"Osamu, it's rude to ask people that," you scolded. "He clearly doesn't eat much, why do you think he's stupid and short?"

"Don't talk about my height you little shit!" Chuuya yelled.

"If I'm little, what are you?" You scoffed. 

"Ok, I understand... it was low of me to raise the shortcomings of others. I won't bring it up again, so please forgive me," Dazai drawled. "Chibiko-kun."

"You bastard!" Chuuya snarled, ready to lunge at Dazai.

Eventhough he was restrained, you muzzled him yourself with the aid of your solid light. You didn't trust Chuuya one bit, and the idea of the gravity manipulator near your boss and your best friend disgusted you.

'Protective of me, Y/N-chan?'

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