15.1 - Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen

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"L/N-kun, could I speak to you for a moment?" A man with greasy hair asked. "It's about the Boss's treatment."

The man was none other than Mori Ougai, the Mafia Boss's private Doctor. You nodded and stepped outside to speak to the doctor, but were instantly whisked away by another figure before you could get a word out.

"Dazai-kun?" You gaped.

"Dazai-kun, let go of L/N-kun, please," Mori requested. "Now, L/N-kun, the Boss is dying. I'm sure you're aware of this, yes?"

"Yes of course, he put me in charge of standing guard," you nodded, wary.

"The Boss doesn't pay you well for being a sub-executive, don't you think you deserve more?" Mori smirked.

"I mean no disrespect, but I'd rather not anger the dying," you glared.

"Not even if you were to receive twice your current salary for a higher position," Mori offered.

"Good luck convincing the Boss," you scoffed.

"Oh, but there will be no need to convince him if he's dead, hm?" Mori grinned. "You catch my drift, yes? I am merely asking you to join me and support me, or permanently stay out of my way."

"You'll kill me if I don't join?" You laughed dryly. "Right, as if."

You attempted to move a step forward, but the doctor held his scalpel against your throat, pressing enough to draw blood.

"So, what'll it be?" Mori hummed.

"Just... make sure no one sees you," you grit out, fear overtaking you.

That was probably the single, most crucial moment which altered the course of your life.

A/N: I have most of these stored up so the chapters are gonna be uploaded pretty fast

this will mostly go directly into Stormbringer (prepare your tissues) and then into Dead Apple, so if you don't wanna read this, just skip ahead

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