9 - Beauty, Hushed Like a Statue

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"Good morning, every...one?" Atsushi trailed off the moment he saw the spectacle. 

"Hey, can you spin around for me?" Naomi asked.

"What are you guys doing," Atsushi deadpanned.

"Oh, morning kiddo," you greeted, ruffling his hair as you walked past. "Take a seat, they'll explain."

Atsushi did as you asked, sitting down opposite the rest of the agency, while you and Kunikida returned to work. This had been going on since the morning, when Kyoka woke up, with everyone throwing on various cute outfits on her and taking pictures. Some of the outfits came from Naomi's closet, which in itself was enough reason to not have Kyoka wear those.

"Don't give me that look Atsushi, L/N-San and I both tried to stop them!" Kunikida glared. 

"But... are you guys sure about this?" Atsushi pressed nervously. "I mean, she's a murderer and I guess that's bad.. even if this is fine for you, Tanizaki-San, take Ranpo-San for example. Wouldn't he be a stickler for law and order?"

"No worries there," you shrugged.

"I'm back!" Ranpo grinned, slamming the door open.

He immediately rushed over to Kyoka, and gave her multiple reviews of various types of candy, even allowing her to try a few.

"Ranpo-San is the most excited of them all," Tanizaki laughed.

"What is she doing here in the first place?" Atsushi asked.

"I called for her," a new voice informed.

"President, this is the girl I reported about," you explained.

"What are the civic and military police forces doing about her?" Fukuzawa checked.

"Thanks to the mafia cover-up, they haven't positively identified them yet," Kunikida began. "But they have multiple teams on the case, so she'll likely be wanted before long."

"Assuming we cannot find someone to take her in.." Fukuzawa began.

"I can take her in!"

"Please let me stay here."

Both you and Kyoka stared at one another, surprised at what you'd each said.

"Wha-?" Atsushi gaped.

"I will do anything," Kyoka admitted. 

"But... just like that?" Atsushi asked.

"Bad idea, miss," Kunikida sighed. "You mafia ties certainly aren't an issue, and we could keep you busy... but it's still an awful idea. This world of ours is not so lenient."

"He's right!" Atsushi added. "Plus, if you stay here, the mafia might come and find you. Taking her in would be painting a target on your back, L/N-San! It would be best for her to flee somewhere far!"

"I... I am incapable of anything but murder," Kyoka choked out. "He told me that himself. And that may be the case, but I wish to prove myself otherwise."

"I implore you on her behalf, sir," Atsushi requested, resigning to the idea.

The two stared at each other for seemingly an eternity, waiting for a verdict to be reached. Finally, the president let out a deep sigh.

"You're hired," he decided.

"Eh?!" Kunikida exclaimed.

"Atsushi, L/N, watch over her for me," Fukuzawa instructed before leaving the room.

And just like that, Kyoka was hired without an exam. That confused you, seeing as she was the same age as Kenji, but the latter went through a difficult exam as well. Fukuzawa also had to be extra careful, since Kyoka used to be part of the mafia. Just then, a knock sounded on the door, and two officers entered the office.

"Pardon us!" A lady greeted. "We've come with the papers we promised!"

"Ooh! Nice work!" Kenji grinned.

"Oh, Minoura-kun, the man whose subordinate I arrested!" Ranpo realised, causing both the officers to shudder in embarassment.

"I'm here on another matter, Master Detective," Minoura began. "I have a request."

Before he could continue, his eyes fell onto Kyoka.

"This girl.... is she with your agency?" Minoura asked. "I received a bulletin about a similar-looking girl, an orphan who's now an elite assassin. What a world, eh? Where're your parents, young lady? Do you have some form of identification?"

"It's kind of a long story!" Atsushi blurted. "Uh, it all started when I was on a government mission, doing a cossack dance in a wheat field to search for the elusive Tsuchinoko Snake-"

"Sorry sir, he's ill," you glared, clamping a hand over Atsushi's mouth. "Fever mania, he's been like this all morning. I'll get him to the infirmary."

"She is my granddaughter," Fukuzawa sighed.

"Oh, pardon me then," Minoura apologised.

Apparently, the papers were for a case that Kenji was solving, about bombs made out of fertilisers set to explode in larger vehicles. It wasn't until much later that you realised that Atsushi had gone off as well, instead of filing reports.

"Tanizaki-kun, where's Atsushi?" You asked.

"Oh, he's working the case with Kenji-kun," Tanizaki yawned.

"What?" You exclaimed. "With Kenji?!"

"Yeah, they went to the scene of the crime," Tanizaki informed. "Is that an issue? Kenji-kun's given us real results. He's cracked a ton of tough cases..."

"It's a huge issue!" You groaned. "Kenji's approach is too eccentric to be a good example."

"And Atsushi is a simple-minded idiot, he'll no doubt follow everything Kenji does!" Kunikida added.

"I see," Tanizaki shuddered.

"We've got the location's of both of them, based on their phones. If they don't make it back within an hour, shall we check on them?" You suggested.

Kunikida and Tanizaki agreed to the suggestion, and continued with their work. It was a slow day at the agency, for not many detectives were present. However, the most obvious person missing was none other than your best friend, Dazai. 

"He's probably out drinking or something again," you shrugged, taking a seat on the couch. "Lunch?"

The others nodded and sat down besides you, with the three of you talking about the current work situation. Suddenly, Kunikida's phone rang as you all settled for lunch.

"Kunikida Doppo, how may I-" he began, only to be cut off my panicked screeching on the other end.

"Kunikida-Saaan," Atsushi whined. "I could never do things his way!"

"It's good you realised that for yourself," Kunikida sighed. "Kenji's abilities involve untold strength. But it's not a Panacea. The strength only manifests when he's hungry."

"Oh, and when he's not?" Atsushi asked.

"Then he sleeps," Kunikida shrugged.

The day continued in a similar fashion, with all of you leaving early due to the lack of work. By the time three o'clock came around, you'd already left and had returned to your apartment, where you found Dazai lazing on your bed.

"Get off my bed, Osamu," you glared. "And where were you yesterday? You left your phone here, do you have any idea how worried we were?!"

"I went back to HQ," Dazai hummed.

That was enough for you to freeze.

"Say, what was your cover story when you ran here again?" Dazai asked.

"Because the slug thinks you're dead."

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