16.2 - Stormbringer

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He stood in the back of the room and looked towards you. His hand was wrapped around the scientist N's neck. He held N with the same amount of concern one would have for holding the collar of a sleeping dog.

"He... Help me...!" N said in a quivering voice.

The investigator quickly drew his gun. "Please release him."

"This guy?" Verlaine looked at me as if Adam had said something surprising. "You're not a human being, so think logically. What merit is there in protecting this scum? Would you fight to the death for him?"

"My whole reason for being is to protect humans against crimes." He said, aiming his gun at Verlaine. "I don't have the capability to determine whether the person I protect is scum or if I don't want to."

"I'm jealous." Verlaine said sarcastically, dropping his gaze. "Don't worry, I won't kill him... Not this easily."

"You won't get anything by taking him home and torturing him, Verlaine-san."

Verlaine looked towards the voice with a mildly surprised expression.


"Hey. What a coincidence, meeting in a place like this."

Dazai strolled up next to the investigator, as if he were walking near his own home.

"You coming here must mean... I see. So I've been betrayed?"

"Please, Osamu's been on our side since the very beginning," you scoffed, showing yourself.

"'This side'? Do people like you even know what 'this side' or 'that side' means?" Verlaine snapped.

"Fufu... I knew it'd be fun talking to you." Dazai wore a vague and bottomless smile.

Dazai and Verlaine. These two powerful people silently stared at each with a kind of smile that ordinary people just could not understand.

While the two were having a conversation, the investigator and you quietly discussed the options that lay in front of you. Dazai could only use his ability upon contact with Verlaine, and you could use yours mostly just to protect yourselves, not that it would do much against gravity manipulation. Using a gun was pointless, for that would only result in your own demise. According to Adam, you had less than 0.1% chance of winning this, let alone coming out unscathed.

But the situation changed much sooner than you expected.

"Ah, Verlaine-san." Dazai sighed with a sudden realization. "I'd duck if I were you."

As he said that, Dazai casually lowered his head to about chest level. Verlaine had a dubious look on his face. Realising what it was the Dazai was talking about, you crouched as well, pulling the investigator down to your height.

The next moment, a piece of debris flew past like a cannonball.

One piece of the debris broke off above Dazai's head and the other piece crashed straight into Verlaine's arm. Verlaine reflexively brought his arm up to block, but the debris piece scattered magnificently.

"What the hell are you doing, Dazai?!" An angry voice shouted. "Don't come into my sight without my permission!"

"Hey, Chuuya. How was your torture session?" Dazai laughed at the edge of his mouth. "I had a plan to come in and save you, but decided against it cause it was boring."

"You bastard!"

"You look like shit," you commented.

"Oh shut up!" Chuuya glared, skidding to a stop between you and Dazai.

N. Chuuya X Fem! Reader: The Territory of GravityWhere stories live. Discover now