13 - The Silent Tower and the Raven's Feast

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"President, you called me?" You asked, walking into his office.

"Yes, have a seat, L/N," Fukuzawa nodded, pointing at the empty spacing opposite him. "Atsushi suggested we form an alliance with the Port Mafia. Now, I am aware that you used to be one of the Mafia Leaders, and devised many of their battle tactics. What do you suggest?"

"In the war against the Guild, the Port Mafia are the only ones who have the same goal as us - to protect this city," you began. "However, once this threat is gone, it is extremely likely that they will betray us. I believe it is best we hold something against them, that will prevent them from attacking us first."

"But you believe it is best we proceed with the negotiations?" Fukuzawa checked.

"Of course," you nodded. "Osamu devised many of their surveillance tactics, meaning we will know if we're being spied on, and I devised most of their battle tactics, meaning anything they try will get back to me somehow. Is that all, sir?"

"Yes, L/N, please speak with Dazai and make sure that this meeting takes place," Fukuzawa requested. "Have a good night."

"Thank you, you too sir," you politely bowed before leaving the room.

It was nearing 10 PM. The battle to protect that city had lasted a little over an hour, but it left the entire city in ruins. Many agency and mafia members stayed out for hours to help clean up, while the few who were injured yet present at the time of battle stayed in the agency to write reports. Usually, few would be present at this hour. But tonight? It seemed as if the city was crawling with investigators from the Agency. Now that the threat was subdued, you'd thankfully gotten your original base back, something which was a cause of relief for everyone.

"I've already given Mori-San a call," Dazai yawned as the two of you entered your apartment. "He said he'll be here early in the morning."

"I'll be there for the deal," you mumbled. "But I think I'll skip out on the morning shift."

"Not like you to skip out on work," Dazai noted. "You've come in even on days when you were hungover and got zero sleep. What did Dogra Magra do to you, Y/N?"

You froze momentarily before continuing to remove your makeup.

"If there ever comes a time where that information will be useful to us, trust me, you will be the first to know, Osamu," you sighed. "Get off my bed."

"Can't, I'm too tired to move," Dazai shrugged, making himself comfortable in your covers.

"Well I'm not carrying you, and I'm taking the space I need, so if you don't want me to kick you in my sleep you'd better leave," you yawned, collapsing onto your bed and pulling the blanket over yourself.

Dazai never ended up leaving. For the first time in nearly five years, the two of you shared a bed again. By the time you'd woken up, it was later in the morning already, and Dazai had left a note with the meeting time and place for the negotiation. You had a little over half an hour to get ready, if you wanted to make it to the place a few minutes earlier to collect your nerves.

Eight years ago, when you and Dazai were fourteen, the mafia boss grew ill. Mori was merely a doctor at the time, and you'd climbed the ranks to becoming a sub-executive at the young age. Due to how powerful you were, the previous boss had requested you be by his side at all times, leaving someone else for when you had other matters to deal with. You weren't proud of it, but he ended up being killed by Mori under your watch. Or rather, you gave him permission to kill the previous boss, as long as he didn't kill you. Why? When you were threatened to either willingly give up the boss's life, or lay down yours protecting him, something insisted you to stay alive no matter how miserable your life had been thus far.

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