chapter 2

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                     Chapter 2

                 ( Owen's POV )

After I had taken a shower and got dressed, I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. Unfortunately, my mother didn't prepare eggs or beacon for me and she has already left for work, so I took an apple and made that my breakfast.

My school was pretty far from my home, so I had to use my bicycle because if I walked, I  will arrive there with my feet bleeding and sore.

I locked up and went to my bicycle that was in our front yard. It wasn't anything special, I got it as a gift from Red, my friend.

Cycling on this sunny day isn't so fun but at least it aint raining, I didn't want to arrive dripping in water.

I stopped by the spooky shop. I gave it that name because it didn't have one, so I thought that because it was all spooky and creepy, it would be an amazing name for it.

'Let me just check it out and see what is new,'

"Knock, knock" I called out as I entered.

I glanced at the counter and noticed that no one was there.

'That's weird, why would they leave the register bare like that? What if I was a thief and I stole their money?'

I looked at my watch and noticed that I only got 30 minutes before I'm late for school.

I looked around and went deep inside to look at the stuff.

"Hello there," said someone loudly.

I turned around at the speed of light, nearly knocking out the glass bottles on the shelves next to me.

"Hey, I don't think you want to break those if you don't want a curse that has been locked in there for over a thousand years to be let free," the girl said with a serious expression.

"What?" I whispered.

my heart was beating loudly,  I was afraid that anyone close enough could hear it.

"Ooooh!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands like a five-year-old. I backed up from her, is she mentally unstable?

"Sunflower, would you quiet down and go to the register? What if someone steals the money in there?" said another voice, which belonged to this old woman who resembled the guy I was watching on the laptop, because of the crystal stones she was wearing and other accessories.

"But mother, we don't even have that many people coming in and there isn't any money in there. Even if there was, you know that our ghost would have solved it," The girl replied.

My eyes widened at the mention of the ghost. There was a ghost in here and I didn't even see it?

A hand rested on my shoulder. "Oh, dear, don't take her words to heart. She can get too excited and overshare sometimes" said the old woman, guiding me to the other side of the shop.

"Why did she get that excited?" I asked, still confused because I hadn't seen her before, and every time I bought things here I was mostly attended to by a guy whom I had not seen since I got in.

"Oh well, I'm pretty sure she remembered you, dear, you are our number one customer, not because we get 2 customers per month, but because you are our loyal one." She said that with the most awkward smile, I have ever received.

We were now standing in front of a shelf that contained many old books. I'm saying old books because of their condition. They looked rusty and some had spider webs between them.

"Oh okay, but why are we in this section? I only came here to look around, and I also think that I'm going to be late if I stay any longer ma'am," I said, backing away from her. It was getting chilly in here.

"Oh alright, but do come back after school. I have a book just for you. If you're curious enough, you'll collect it. If not, I'll see by it." she said, still giving me that weird smile.

I wonder if I should find another place to shop for my witchy supplies because this one has started to freak me out.

As  I approached the door, I saw Sunflower talking alone. The way she was doing it, seemed as if someone else was present there with her.

'Was it the ghost  she mentioned?'

When she noticed me she got quiet and offered me a cheeky smile. I ran out of the shop.

Once outside, fresh air got into my lungs, the wasn't any in there the only thing I could smell in the shop was herbs and old books.

I smiled. I am not going back in there. I took my bike and went to school.


After I arrived the bell went off.

I got inside the building and headed to my locker, After I was done getting the books that I'll need for my next period I closed it.

I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me to the owner's chest.

"Morning, sweetheart," said Chaise my best friend.

I removed his hand and turned around to look at him, Red and Green were standing next to him.

They gave themselves nicknames and they also looked like their nicknames.

Red Loves red stuff and dyes his hair red. The same goes for green.

We met in elementary school, then I met Chais four years ago, and now we are in the twelfth grade. Weirdly, I consider chaise my best friend even though we haven't known each other for that long.

"EEEEEEwwww, can you stop doing that? We don't want rumors about us dating," I said as I pushed him away from me.

"My brother, these days it doesn't matter if the person is a guy or a girl, a hole is a hole right?" Green said, placing his hand on my shoulder. These two have no concept of personal space, Red is the only sane one in the group.

"Whatever green ... guys, let's get going before the principal shows up. You know how she gets, especially on Mondays, she's like a dinosaur," said Red.

They all had the same classes except for me, I was the different one.

"So how did the experiment go? You have been waiting for it for so long ... Please don't tell me that you are possessed, because if you are, then who will I marry?" Chaise said as he wiped away invisible tears.

"I'll tell you about it all on lunch break. Now stop bothering me and let's start these damn classes" I grinned as I said that.

Today I wasn't in the mood to study, especially with how the day started.


I swear to myself that this is the last time I edit this book until I'm finished with it🤞

Anyways please do comment and vote if you enjoyed this story

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