chapter 15

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                    Chapter 15

                 ( Owen's pov )

“I wasn't feeling so well for this past week and — ” lying isn't my specialty so trying to come up with something wasn't  easy “I didn't want to get you guys worried.”

He pinched the bridge between his eyebrows and a sigh left his lips.

I don't know what he's thinking about or even if he's going to believe me but knowing Red, he won't buy my story so easily.

He lifted his head and leaned back on the couch with his hands crossed

“Do I somehow look like a fool to you?”


“Owen. Why are you even lying to me, you once broke your leg and had a high fever at the same time but you still came to school. So what is this that I'm hearing now?” His eyes were still on me


“if you don't want to tell me it's fine but don't lie to me.”

“thanks. I promise that I will tell you when I have everything sorted out.” More like when I have gotten rid of that demon

“mm. But do come to us when things get difficult,  also you should stop trying to fight this alone when you have us. Where is your family?” He asked as he looked around

“When I got home after I left your place, I found the house empty. I think they might have gone on a trip or back to Paris. ”

“It's okay let's eat. And don't you dare say that you are not hungry because your stomach has been making noise.” He said as he opened the plastic bag and removed the things from inside

“McDonald's? I thought that you hated unhealthy food.” I asked

He gave me the side eye and continued with what he was doing.

“I might not like it but you do and this is all for you,” he said as he folded the plastic bag and put it in his pocket, he's such a neat butt.

“Thank you.”

“eat then,” he said.

After he had watched me eat everything he bought, he left me mentioning that the others were waiting to hear from him about how I was doing.

To be honest I was ashamed that I didn't even try to talk to them about how I would not be in school.

I cleaned up and went to my room to rest a little.

I was relaxing on my bed while watching some movies when I heard the sound of keys, then the click of the door lock. I heard footsteps in the house after that.

Is mother back?

I put on my shoes and rushed to the kitchen.

I stood behind the wall and observed in the darkness who that was.

The figure, which was too tall and buffy to be my mother moved to the fridge and opened it, I still couldn't see them because our fridge light doesn't work and I was too lazy to fix it.

The moon outside was giving me the persons shape but not its appearance.  It took whatever from the fridge and dropped
It on the table then started eating.

Wait! I don't remember having anything to eat in my fridge other than onions, eggs, tomato sauce, and pickles. And I hate eggs so much that if I eat them alone I would vomit it all out.

My hands were shaking beside me as my fear rose about who that is and how they got the keys. It cant be my half-brothers because they are not that tall but it may be my father.

I took steady steps and went to where the switch is. I flicked it and the lights came on.

I couldn't believe my eyes

“I was wondering how long you were gonna stand there watching me.” He said with his mouth full of eggs which were still in their shells!

“Hugo. What hell are you doing in my house?”

He was wearing black trousers with a red polo shirt and his clothes looked ragged, some had red spots on them I hope that isn't blood.

“Well, I thought that if that boy of yours could visit you then why can't I.” He said while he was chewing with his mouth full.

I felt my stomach clench at the thought of the texture of the eggs and my throat hurt on how the heck he was able to swallow them. My hand flew to my mouth to prevent the vomit from bilking up my throat

“What?” He asked after he had swallowed them

I sniffed my armpits, then I felt the nausea decrease. 

He was about to pick another egg from the egg tray

“Please don't!” I rushed to him and snatched the egg from his hand and put it where it was then I put them back in the fridge.

“What did you do that for? I was enjoying those.” His lower lip was between his teeth.

I will not lie and say that he didn't look cute doing that but still I won't let him eat those eggs because it's disgusting.

“Eggs are not eaten like that and how do you even have my house keys.”

“ I just have them. How are they eaten then because I am hungry.”

He said this with his hands on his stomach. I looked at him clearly and noticed how pale he looked and the eye backs under his eyes too.

“Aren't you like rich and all of that? You even took me to your place and it looked like...”

“I know what you mean. My elders took everything of mine and said that I couldn't have them back. Well, they did mention that I would have to prove to them that I'm now serious about my work I guess” he said.

His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were turning red. In his hand was the salt bottle which he was squeezing as if this  was its fault.

'Oh lord, what have I done.' I said to myself.


Please do comment and vote if you like this chapter also if the was something confusing for you do point it out to me gently.  Thank you bye till next time

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