chapter 3

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Words: 1352

Chapter 3

( Owen's POV )

I couldn't hear what the teacher said, as my mind kept thinking about the spooky shop.

I am not sure if I should go back or if I should just let it be, but at the same time, I am just too curious not to go back there.


They looked at me like I said that I'm getting married tomorrow. Green had his chip midway to his mouth, I don't think he notices that he still has it in his hand.

It was our lunch break and I decided to tell them about what had happened because it is not like I can hide it from them, I knew that they would find out either way

"ALL THAT HAPPENED THIS MORNING?" screamed Green attracting unwanted attention from the other students close by.

"You're going to deafen me!" Red said glaring at Green.

"Red is right, lower your voice. And Owen you mean to tell me that all that happened this morning?" Chaise whispered

I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

' Why do they want me to repeat myself multiple times? I already told them the whole story so what's the use of me saying it again?'

Chaise's blue eyes glared at me as if like he would lose something important if he blinked. He had his dark brown hair curled today and it looked good on him.

hey, wait! Why am I thinking about his hair?

"I'm the first one who asked him," Whined Green

"More like you screamed in his face. He might have not heard you," Chaise said, rolling his eyes.

"Stop arguing about who asked first and who didn't, but it all happened this morning, and I still can't believe it. I just really hope everything else goes well for the rest of the day," I said, trying not to sound scared about the fact that my half-brothers were coming back.

"All I can say is that you have to go back to that shop. You know how obsessed you are with ghosts, demons, and all that nonsense --" Red said. Using his hand to talk.

"You simply do not understand them, so don't say that it's nonsense" I argued.

"Okay..okay, it's not nonsense, but you get my point. Go and take what she has for you. It might even reveal something more exciting for you," Red suggested

"Red is right. You should go and check it out. You can then tell us more about it when you come to school tomorrow," said Chaise.

"Wow, you're also invested in this ghostly thingy?" asked Red

"Well, Why not? I might find myself a hot guy or girl ghost, or even better, a demon. I heard they look hot," explained Chaise.

"Yeah whatever dude, you always think with your dick and not your freaking brain," Red said, with a chip between his lips.

Green was quiet this whole time. It's like his mind was trying to find something out, or he was thinking too hard for his little brain.

He is always the first one to talk and never the last, but the way he wasn't saying anything scared me. Did I hurt him a certain way or maybe the is something else bothering him?

"You just mentioned that your half brothers are showing up too," asked Green, his voice low.

"Yes. what's wrong? You seem much more worried about that than I am," I said, looking at him.

"No! It's not that, I'm just worried about you. Even though the incident happened a long time ago, you know it did happen. Doesn't your mom worry that it could happen again?" Green asked.

"Dude, you're freaking me out when you talk like that. Please be louder again, " Chaise said.

I swear I have the most idiotic and caring friends ever.

"This matter does not need me to be loud," Green said.

I pressed my fingers between my eyebrows. "Green, stop worrying about it. If they beat me up as they did before, I'll report them to the police. I won't be forgiving like how I was," I said, but will I be able to report them if anything happens?

"And they are both homophobic. Those kinds of people are not needed in our group because let's be honest, we are all not straight in this group," said Chaise grinning like an idiot.

"Hey, I'm straight," I said, raising my hand just at that moment the bell went off, I didn't get the chance to eat my lunch because of all the talking we did.

Red stood up and handed me a chocolate bar. "Yeah right, buddy, we believe you," he said, looking at me with those hypnotic caramel eyes of his.

When he turned to leave, I was left sitting there admiring how round his butt looked especially in the skinny jeans he choose to wear. I hope no one caught me looking at my friend's ass.

Chaise and Green had already left.

when I was about to stand up and follow them, a raven landed on my shoulder. I moved my head back and looked at it.

It tilted its head and looked back at me with those black round eyes. It let out a croak and that made me flinch, I know that I should remove it but how will I do that when I'm afraid to move because I might anger it?

"Uuuuuh okay little guy, I don't like ravens, so shooo away," I said.

I took one of the empty bottles near me and hit it with the bottle but it was able to prick me on my neck before I hit it hard with the bottle. When it regained its balance it flew away.

"Heyyyyy!" I rubbed the spot and noticed that the was blood there. I didn't take it seriously and went to class. I hoped this day wouldn't give me any more trouble, but it looks like my wishes just went in vain.

We had all attended the last classes that we had. I felt my heartbeat increase, I wasn't ready to face my brothers yet.

It has been so long since I last saw them, and the thought of meeting them again is just too traumatic.

"Hey buddy, how are you doing?" Red asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I felt myself relax a little under his touch. I wish that I could take off and follow him back to his home, but I know that I can't run away from them for too long. I've been running away from discussing the incident and I have been refusing to see them since then.

"Yeah, I'm fine, let's go. I should arrive early before my parents. I don't want my mother to bite my head off. You know how she's like," I said while taking my bag

"So, what are your plans for tonight, Green said something about a sleepover on Friday, and he mentioned that tonight we should discuss it. You know what he's like," said Red, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I'll see what I can do, but I'm not sure if I'll show up today, but on Friday I'll try my best to bless you guys with my presence"

"Okay, it's fine, I will tell him that, and they both left early. Chaise beat some kid up, so he was told to call his parents over, but he ran away and Green chose to follow. That one never misses a chance to just add himself to trouble." He said

We both laughed at that.

"Mmm, anyway, bye, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye and good luck on the matter," Red said, getting in his car while I got on my bicycle.

I made my way to the spooky shop. I just couldn't get it out of my head. I needed to see what the women had for me.


Heyyaaa so it's your lovely writer here, I would really appreciate if you would comment on what you think about Owen's friends and don't forget to vote. Love you

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