Chapter 26

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               Chapter 26

             ( Owen's POV )

It finally was Friday and I was nervous as heck, I couldn't sit still as I waited for Hugo to finish taking a bath. He had suddenly told me that he needed to be clean and impress my friends.

I sat down on my bed and wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans.

Dad hasn't talked to me since that time he had me corned and I didn't try to talk to him either. I still couldn't believe that he is my father, maybe they picked me from a bin and decided to torture me for life.

I looked at my door expecting Hugo to walk in as we were getting late. We were supposed to meet at McDonald's 30 minutes ago, but Hugo was taking his sweet time washing.

I felt my cell phone vibrate in my pocket, I didn't need to check who was calling as I knew who It would be.

“Hey” I shyly replied

“Where the heck are you two!?” Asked Green

“I uhm he's still on his way well be there soon,” I said

“Is he still ramming into your ass?” Green asked, I could imagine him grinning while asking that.

“No!” I replied

He laughed hard before he answered me “ If you say so anyways were gonna start eating our orders and if you're not here in 20 minutes well leave, ” He hung up.

“Argggh” I groaned...

My door opened and a half-naked man entered my room as his body dripped water. My eyes traveled from his chest down to his sharp V-line. His Cock lifted the towel a little and went back down.

I threw in a sharp breath.

Hugo was still standing in front of me with his hand on his hip.

“We could do one round before we leave,” He said

I broke out of whatever spell had me. I looked at his eyes and they had changed color, they were now glowing a deep red.

“What....No! I mean...Aarghh let's leave before my parents wake up and question me.” I said as I stood up and took my wallet from my school bag.

“Let me get dressed unless you want everyone to see what is yours,” Hugo said as he passed by me

My mouth was left wide open at his statement. Why the heck is he being so flirtatious with me, is it because today we are going to act as boyfriends?

“Done,” he said.

“Oh..okay” I replied

Was standing there for that long or he was quick with it?


We entered the store. Hugo was walking behind me with a bored look on him.

My friends were at the table at the end and it was also in a corner. Red was still with that cheerleader girl while Chaise sat with a blond girl, Green was the only one who had no date.

All the other tables were full of people, when I walked by with Hugo I could feel them staring at him and one girl even tried to get his attention but he didn't spare her a glance.

“Hello,” I greeted as I sat down at the side where Chaise was with his blondie.

“Finally you decided to show up,” Green said

“Yeah sorry about that, it's just that someone took his sweet time,” I said as I glared at Hugo beside me.

The booth that we were on had Red sofas and they made a U shape. Hugo, Green, blondie, and I were sitting on the left side and Red and his girl were on the right while Green sat at the head of it and was alone. It was as if he was the Judge of us.

Red looked angry at me, he also kept shooting glares at Hugo.

Hugo placed his hand on my waist and pulled me close to him, he also kept his hand there.

“Oh someone's possessive,” Said the nut head Chaise.

His blondie kept stealing glances at Hugo, the only girl who didn't mind Hugo was Reds chick

“By the way why don't we introduce ourselves,” Green said as he clapped his hands together.

“Well my name is Owen's and this is Hugo my....... boyfriend,” I said

I felt Hugo squeeze me as if to say good job.

'I hope he doesn't embarrass me


Dang, I've been gone for a while there.

I kinda have data problems and I  was broke so that's why I couldn't update but worry not I'll be giving you more spice

As you can see it's giving and soon you'll be getting all the spice needed.

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