chapter 35. END

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Chapter 35

Owen's POV

Before Alfred, the old Butler could open the huge doors to the house, some sort of dog ran to him and bounced on him as it licked his face and was wagging its tail or......snake tail.

It looked weird, with two heads and a tongue that had a slit in between and a tail that's...not a dog tail?

“You both better get off him before you kill him” I heard him say.

His voice sounded full again and it didn't sound like he was gonna couch out blood any moment.

I turned around and looked behind me...there he was with a glass of wine or blood in his hand, his hair wasn't messy but it was brushed back and clean. He smiled as he approached me

My heart felt as if someone held it at how tight it was and how painful it was, Alfred thought that I didn't know the effect that the thing we did would do to me but only if he knew.

“Give us both sometime alone” Hugo said

Both the weird dog and Alfred left.

“Hi” I weakly said

“Can you believe what Alfred told me? Apparently some wizard gave him a certain kind of portion that would cure me, of course at first I didn't believe it but then I got better” he said as we walked behind his house to his garden

“oh” I responded

“Whats wrong?” he asked me as he pulled a chair from the little table for me to sit down

“thanks” I said as I sat down

The garden seemed quite and light, I could feel my eyes get drownly after so long I finally felt like sleeping. It hurt knowing that I lost something for something else but maybe it was for the better cost.

“I have to tell you something” I said

“okay?” he sounded scared

He leaned back on his chair and drowned all his drink

“first my father and my brother's are dead” I said


I found out about their dead the second Hugo had left me, at first I thought that he did it but then the police found evidence about what really killed them.

Apparently they had to many enemies and that wasn't new knews to us. But this time they had angered someone who loved killing and took it as sports so that person killed them, to be honest I was relieved when I heard the knews I didn't even go or their funeral as I knew that I wouldn't even shed a tear for them.

What surprised was that my mom was so happy about her husband's dead, talking about all the money she would receive from it.

“But that's not the bad knews right? Considering that they didn't mean much to you and how you all weren't that close” Hugo said

“Yeah. I can't have kids anymore and I'm only left with a few years to my life...honestly I don't know how many years it is” I told him

“Wait what do you mean by that”

I sighed “Alfred came with a suggestion of me giving you my blood for your health and before he has suggested that, sunflower had already told me about it. She explained how me giving you my blood would eat away my future years on earth and how it would take away my seed, I mean it's not like I was going to be with a girl and get her pregnant right,”

He had tears in his eyes as he studied me “What have I done”

“What do you mean Hugo”

“You asked me to save you but here you are risking your life for me, for fucks sake we haven't even had sex and had the couple's fights but we are already taking bullet's for one another!” he had stood up and started pacing around.

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