chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Green_ Kevin

Red. _. Kyle

Hello once again."sigh" I know that I was very slow with updates but I wanted you to know that this is the last month for this book, meaning that I'm finishing it this month it's just been so long

It took me like 3 years of writing it, I have been deleting,editing and renewing it too many time. I have found some ideas on how to end it so I hope that you'll come to like them too. and I do appreciate you all.

Hugo was laying on my lap as I read through my book, it was about some guy having a threesome with his aliens friend's.

"Why haven't we went by the kissing stage yet?" Hugo asked me

I dropped my book as I looked at him, he had a smirk on his face and he kept brushing my stomach as if like I was pregnant.

"Were you not the one that said if we have sex then I might die and that I am like the others, you have to suck my energy to get better?" I asked him

He rolled his eyes and dropped his hand "I toled you that like what two months ago?"

"Yes and you haven't told me what your plan is and you haven't been getting any better. Hugo it has also been two months since we officially started dating and I'm not about to lose you so early" I said back to him

"But I want to live too, do you not love me Owen?" he asked


"Do u not like me or what? Are you seriously that heartless? Are you that evil? Am I the demon or are you the one..." he kept repeating this words as I backed away from him and hit the tree trunk behind me

"Mabe I should have killed you!"

I screamed as I felt his sharp theeth sink into my skin on my neck

I woke up with sweat soaking my body, my night pjamas were stiking to my skin disgustingly. I moved around the others as I tried to go to the bathroom. Kyle grabbed my ankle as I tried jumping over him

"Another nightmare?" he asked

"hmm" I responded

He stood up and we both made our way to the bathroom. He sat on the toilet seat as I closed the shower curtain and took a shower, I didn't even mind him being their as my mind was somewhere else.

It has been after a week of me and Hugo false dating when Hugo confessed his true feeling to me and told me everything about him. He also mentioned pixie the girl who used to help with his thirst too.

I had believed him and I gave him a chance as we both started dating for real but his health went down hill and after two months he just disappeared because, I once tried drugging him so that I could try sleeping with him and help him get better.

I know that it was wrong of me but I had nothing to live for, sure I got the best two friends but the was nothing more than that, so I didn't mind dying for him.

So the drug didn't work and he shouted and me and left....that happened last week.

So Chaise invited me to this sleepover party he had with his friend's thinking that it would help with my mood but it didn't. I felt like I was also dying inside too.

I drank my chocolate tea as Kyle was preparing a sandwish. If it was back on those days when I still had a crush on him I would have been rolling on the floor with the amount of butterfly that would have been in my belly.

"He hasn't came back?" Kyle asked me

"No" I quetly answered

He placed the plate infront of me but I didn't even feel like eating anything "You should have said yes to me when I asked you out. I even dumped that girl for you"

"lets not talk about it Red" I said

His face scrunched up at the name. I forgot how serious they were about not being called that

"Why did you even change your names back" I asked

He sighed and took a seat on the other side "You have enough things to worry about, you don't need to add up to that"

"If you say so"

We both got quite as we ate our food. I took my clothes and went to the Uber that I had requested when I was drinking my chocolate tea because I couldn't stay with the others any longer.

When I arrived at home the sun was already rising illuminating an orange,red light that felt just right on your skin. The garden behind the house made everything look more beautiful

"You know Elijah used to be afraid of even setting his foot outside the house"

I jumped up from the ground and hit my back on the wall of the house then I glared at whomever was infront of me.

The was this elderly man who was in a tuxido kind of suit, those ones where the butler's wear. He looked like he wanted to tear me apart.

"Who the heck are you!" I asked him

He slowly moved to me while stepping on the flowers purposely on his way "I hated the idea of seeking for help from an idiotic human like you but because Alex has no other option I had to come to you"

I got dumbfounded at that "Firstly don't insult me like that and secondly who the heck is Elijah"

"Elijah as in Hugo" he rolled his eyes as he said that

I gasped "What! He's alive. Where is he? Can I come and visit him? Is he okay?" .

"Shut up! And no he's not okay he's dying and the is not that much time left for him so you'll have to help him out" he said

"You want me to try and sleep with him again?"

"What do you mean by again?" he asked

"Well let's just say I did once try and that led him to runaway"

"Whatever. I need you to do something that will help him, we have two options" he told me

"which are...." I felt nervous at what he was about to say because if it was a safe thing then Hugo could have told me

"Its either you feed him your heart or your blood. But you'll have to feed him your blood repeatly until he's healed or else it'll not work"

"Ill choose the blood option," I said

Before he could continue I asked him something else "The are no consequences in it right like I won't die?"

He smiled weirdly " No"


Alright that'll be it for today see u in a day or tomorrow.

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