chapter 10

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                     Chapter 10

                   ( Owens POV )

"Oooh looks like somebody's in trouble" chuckled the demon who was still standing next to me.

I felt like slapping his lips.

“Come on now don't tease him. But seriously you nearly died there, we had to drain the excess black liquid that was in your blood.” Said the nurse.

She then picked up a notebook that was on the table attached to the bed.

“oh, so that's what these tubes are for then. But please  don't  call my mom." I gave her puppy eyes.

The demon threw me a disgusted look, I rolled my eyes at him.

His eyes were back to light brown it seems like he changed them when the nurse entered

”Sorry but we already did. All you have to do is stay in here until she arrives“ She said, and closed the notepad

”Okay“ I Whispered.

I sank back into my pillow.

”How did you even get that liquid or ink inside of you? Did you inject yourself with it or was it a dare game?“ She asked.

she placed her hand on the bed and leaned forward, she looked straight into my eyes.

She didn't look happy.

What will I even say, that I summoned a demon and that demon made that liquid stuff come out my nose also how did it get into my blood?

”I..“ I couldn't give her an answer.

”You know what forget it, you'll answer to your mother and the principal when they get here.“ She said.

She patted the demon on his shoulder and left the room with the notepad still on her.

”How did you do that?“ That's the first thing I asked the demon

”Do what?“ He asked

”You are a demon right?“ I asked

”Yeah, so?“ He raised his eyebrow at me.

”How are you a student here and why does she know you?“ I half shouted at him.

”First off never shout at me and what makes you think that demons can't have a life, “ he said

”What?“ I don't understand, does he mean that he has always been here

He flicked my forehead ”What part of 'You woke me up from my deep sleep don't you understand?“ He asked.

”Oh but how did you—“

”Stop asking questions, I'm not your teacher or parent, and tell me what you want from me before I cut your stomach open" he threatened

“” I was a stuttering mess, how am I about to tell this thing what I need?

“What? Do you want money, a sexy body, fame, fortune, want to travel to mass, want to kill someone..” My eyes popped out at the last suggestion

“Oh, so you do want someone dead” He chuckled at that and leaned on the wall behind him.

If he wasn't a demon I would have had a crush on him.

I didn't think that things would turn out like this, I thought that the demon would show up and know what to do. It has been soo many years that I don't know what I wanted anymore.

I think I got obsessed with the idea of summoning a demon and seeing one, but now that I got its attention I don't know how to go on from here, perhaps  I should have asked help from the police officers and not this...thing

“Why are you crying?” He said as he scrunched up his face.

I wiped my face and looked away from him, why is he asking me?

I felt a slap land on my right cheek, I looked at him shocked

“Never look away from me when I'm talking to you understand?” He angrily said, his eyes were blood red again.

My hand held my cheek as my mouth was wide open.

“I. Said. Do. You. Understand?” He asked slowly. I nodded my head

“Words!” He whisper shouted.

“Yes, I understand” I felt the tears flow more quickly, and my vision blurred.

“Now what did you need from me? And you better answer me in one sentence, no stuttering allowed.” He said.

He went back to leaning on the wall

I dropped my hand but made sure that I don't look away. I drew in a long breath and exhaled, I needed to be calm or I might stutter.

“I was abused  when I was 14 by my brothers. The abuse got intense as months went by, and it all ended up with me in a hospital bed for weeks. My parents didn't care about me, so I thought that maybe if I asked for help from something more dangerous than them then I might be safe.” I exhaled the breath that I had held.

He was still looking at me, his face was still blank.

“And here I thought that you might have called me for something interesting. But this is what I have?” He asked.

“I was still young and I don't think that I need you anymore you can go back to sleep, please,” I begged .

He smirked at me.

“It's too late for that now. A deal is a deal and I can't go back till I give you what you wished for, and what you just said isn't what you wish for but I'll work with that for now ” He said.

I felt more tears stream down my face. I had messed up big time, Why didn't I think about the consequences of my actions why!

My body trembled under the fear that I was feeling, it was as if like time went back and I was 14 again, getting bullied by them.

The demon moved and went to look out the window, he clicked his tongue and came back.

“We have to leave, your mother is here. I'm not done discussing how  things are going to work between us two.” He said


Please do vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter because I did. Byeeeee

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