Chapter 80

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After Zhao Zixuan talked with the leaders of various forces, Gao Junyan used the privileges of the manager of the mission hall to broadcast the news that Zhao Zixuan was about to become the leader of the base and that the base was renamed the Guangming Base.

Before the previous high-level executives left, their base was under the jurisdiction of the Kyoto base.

Now that the base knows the news of the escape in advance, it is naturally inseparable from the Kyoto base. The powers of various forces in the base naturally do not want the base to be controlled by the Kyoto side.

If there is another zombie siege, will they have to be abandoned by the Kyoto base again?

Now that the leader has changed, and Zhao Zixuan is also unwilling to be governed by the Kyoto base, everyone unanimously decided to leave the Kyoto base. The Guangming base is just a base for them to survive and has nothing to do with the Kyoto base.

When hearing the broadcast, both supernatural beings and ordinary people have an idea of ​​what to do.

With Zhao Zixuan as the leader of the base, they don't have to worry about the leader running away without a word when there is another crisis in the base.

This time the zombie siege is so dangerous, if it weren't for Zhao Zixuan and his mercenary group, they would have already become food for zombies, and now they can survive because of the Guangming mercenary group, so the base was renamed And the change of leader, they accepted it well and even fortunately.

After the ability user dug the zombie's crystal core almost, Zhao Zixuan announced to let everyone rest for a day before starting the base reconstruction task.

After the base was rebuilt after the disaster, all the zombies had been annihilated by them, and now the most urgent task was to clear the bodies in front of the base gate.

From the beginning of the end of the world, even if the zombies have been killed, people with lower levels will be infected with the zombie virus when they come into contact with the liquid (blood/brain, etc.) on its body. Therefore, the collection of crystal nuclei and the cleaning of these zombies naturally have to be done by power users.

Now that the zombies have evolved four times, the zombie virus is naturally more likely to be infected by other people, and the job of cleaning up the zombies is not easy.

There are more than 300,000 zombies who came to attack the city this time. In addition to the survivors who died in this battle, they all had to transport the corpses to a distance and then be cremated by fire-type abilities, which did not take a few days. Time can't be done.

If you don't clean it up, it will be piled up at the entrance of the base. Although the weather is still cool now, these corpses will stink in a few days. I am afraid that the entire base will be uninhabitable, so they have to clean up as soon as possible.

For the sake of the base, all the power users unconditionally agreed to the instructions given by Zhao Zixuan and worked together to transport the corpse away.

Move the zombies and the corpses of the power users who died in this battle to the car, and then drive the car to an open space five kilometers away from the base for cremation.

Zombies were also human beings before the end of the world. Although they brought a lot of trouble to the base this time, since they are all dead, they will naturally not care about them and are willing to cremate them.

After three days, the corpses of the zombies were not seen outside the base. All the zombies have been cremated, and now the reconstruction of the base must be carried out.

When the power user was dealing with the zombie corpses, the ordinary people in the base were also assigned tasks.

Although there are a lot of houses in the base, there are still many people who do not have a house to live in. Most people cannot afford a house and can only find a place to sleep anywhere. Since Zhao Zixuan has become the leader of the base, he is naturally unwilling to see such a thing, so the top priority is to build more houses for ordinary people to live in.

There is nowhere to build a house in the base, so naturally it has to be built on the periphery of the base. Although the others were worried that they would be attacked by zombies living outside the base, they chose to believe Zhao Zixuan's actions.

This time Zhao Zixuan plans to expand the area of ​​the base, not only to build a lot of houses, but also to rebuild the gate and walls of the base.

This time the zombies attacked the city, and the walls were broken in more than a dozen places. If Zhao Zixuan had not arranged for someone to guard it from the beginning, he would have been attacked by the zombies. Therefore, the reconstruction of the base wall is imperative.

The wall of the base is so easy to break, so the reconstruction Zhao Zixuan naturally planned to build was not likely to be broken by zombies.

The reconstruction of the wall must be heightened and thickened, and the reconstructed wall can no longer be called a wall, but a city wall.

If there are more zombies attacking the city, the ability user can stand on the city wall to defend against the zombies, and can also better attack the zombies.

A series of reconstruction problems cannot be solved overnight, and Zhao Zixuan is not in a hurry. With so many people in the base, it will be a matter of time before the base is built.

The materials at the base were all taken away by the high-level officials. The materials needed by the base these days were all provided by the major mercenary groups.

There were more than a dozen ordinary people in the Guangming Mercenary Group who were engaged in construction work before the end of the world. Zhao Zixuan directly entrusted the construction of the base to them.

After discussing with various forces, the ability users of the Bright Mercenary Group began to take the lead to collect materials and bring them back.

Now that the weather is suitable, Zhao Zixuan directly asked the village chief to lead the villagers and some ordinary people to start reclaiming wasteland to grow food and seasonal vegetables in the area he had set out.

After experiencing such a disaster of almost death, when everyone in the base was united, there was basically no refutation of the orders given by Zhao Zixuan, and everyone directly followed Zhao Zixuan's arrangements. Knowing that the base was short of food, Zhao Zixuan directly took out the materials in his space, and asked Zhao Kuan to go to the third floor and put them in the space, and then make arrangements for distribution. The base is changing day by day, and the ability users have also gone out to collect a lot of materials. Whether it is men, women, young or old, ordinary people or Zhao Zixuan, the ability user has guaranteed their food and clothing, and this is also the first rule of the base. Get paid for the labor you put in. If you don't pay, you will be hungry. Zhao Zixuan is not a good man and a woman. He wants to get food without doing anything. Whether it is a task issued to an ability user or an ordinary person, Zhao Zixuan arranges it according to their abilities.

Although the base needs to be built urgently, it also has to take into account the physical tolerance of ordinary people. Every day is an eight-hour work system, and those who are responsible for cooking will deliver the food when it is time.

Ordinary people who undertake the work of building houses also know that as long as they put in enough labor, the base will be fully managed, and they will be more motivated to do things.

The biggest difference that ordinary people feel is that after Zhao Zixuan became the leader of the base, those people with abilities no longer looked at people sideways, and they would not look down on those people who didn't have abilities.

In the base regulations promulgated by Zhao Zixuan, there is the article that everyone is equal. Those with abilities cannot hurt ordinary people without any reason, and those who violate the rules will be expelled from the base.

There are hundreds of regulations in the base, some of which have extremely serious consequences. Only these regulations are extremely restrictive to the people in the base. They will remember not to violate it. It is not so easy to be kicked out of the base.

After half a year, Zhao Zixuan's reconstruction of the base was finally completed. And the food they planted by the village chief also ushered in the first harvest.

Seeing the harvested food, Pei Nian was also very excited. From today, the base will no longer have to worry about food.

In the past six months, although there have been many teams of ability users to collect materials every day, as they collect day by day, the materials in the nearby cities have long been swept up by them.

The food stored in Zhao Zixuan's space is almost exhausted. If the food grown in the base is not harvested, they will have to wait and starve.

After the food planted by the village chief survived smoothly, many people in the base also started to cultivate wasteland outside the base, and Zhao Zixuan no longer had to bear the materials needed for the entire base.

Because after the base was rebuilt, another city wall was added to surround the entire base. The survivors of the base automatically changed the base to Guangming City, and even hung the plaque of Guangming City at the gate. The previous base was called District 1 by everyone, and the new one was District 2. Most ordinary people and power users lived in District 2, and those who had houses in District 1 still stayed in District 1.

After the construction of the second district, there was a night market street that was famous throughout the base. There were ordinary people who set up stalls, and they took out the fruits of their labors at night.

For the safety of ordinary people, Zhao Zixuan specially set up a security team, which must patrol the base three times every hour to ensure the safety of everyone and there will be no fighting scenes.

At the gate of the base, the inspection device set up was specially arranged by Zhao Zixuan for research. It can detect whether it is infected with the zombie virus through a drop of blood, and the inspection of the ability user remains unchanged, testing the ability filled in by the ability user. You have the ability level.

The affairs in the base have been completed, and there is a set of jurisdiction system, Zhao Zixuan began to rectify the ability user.

First, negotiate with various forces to set up an army of power users. The mercenary group is divided according to the number of people, and the other teams are combined.

Under Zhao Zixuan's arrangement, the base's ability users formed 20 legions, and the head and deputy head of the legion were the people who were in charge. Each legion had 5,000 ability users.

For the management of the legion, Zhao Zixuan was completely handed over to the head and deputy head of the legion, and only the head and deputy head must obey the arrangement of the base leader.

The reason why Zhao Zixuan established the legion was to manage the abilities of the base in a unified way. After the others stopped what Zhao Zixuan said, they all chose to do what Zhao Zixuan said.

Originally, it would be extremely difficult to manage the ability users in a unified manner. The reason why Zhao Zixuan established the legion was also for the surviving human beings.

Zhao Zixuan at the Guangming Base is what people want, and everyone is willing to obey Zhao Zixuan's arrangement, which makes Zhao Zixuan feel that his efforts are also rewarded.

Seeing that the rules and regulations of the base were continuously improved, and the survivors slowly united, Pei Nian was very happy for Zhao Zixuan.

The current base is almost the same as the base under Zhao Zixuan in the previous life, but Pei Nian believes that after a while, the current base will definitely be better than the previous life.

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