🐉Chapter three 🐉

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Charlie couldn't believe how Bella acted in front of his best friend and child. He was horrified with her behaviour but let's it go just this once as he want to try and give the opportunity to change." Bella we need to talk about childcare options for Morgan as I've enrolled you in the High school and you start tomorrow." Charlie told her. She scoffs at him and snarkly replys"we just leave her at home and give her snacks to munch on all day and put the TV on." Charlie clenches his jaw and fists in anger that she was treating her child this way.

"I'll sort childcare out then and I'm taking her to the doctors today as I've been informed that she isn't vaccinated and she's behind on her speech." Charlie informed Bella. She just scoffs at him and told him that she doesn't care and stomps upstairs. Charlie faces an upset Morgan who heard her mom say she doesn't care."I got you now, Morgan" Charlie softly speaks as he hold his granddaughter. The two of them went to see Dr Cullen who had Jasper and Rosalie shadowing him today.

Charlie was holding his granddaughter in his arms as she was too scared of all the female nurses around her. The two females in her life haven't been the kindest people in her life so she doesn't trust woman easily. The two of them waited for the doctor when he and his "adopted children" called them in. " So Chief Swan how may I help you and Morgan today?" Dr Cullen asked. Morgan noticed the two next to him. She gave a tilted look to Jasper as she was trying to work out why he was so stiff and she noticed Rosalie staring at her and she hid away from her sight.

" Dr Cullen I know your not a child doctor but you are the best and I want Morgan here get the best doctor. She hasn't got her vaccinations at all like all of them and she non verbal she trying to but she hasn't had a good life at all so far and I want to give her that life." Charlie explains carefully. Dr Cullen nods in understanding, Rosalie can't help but feel sad for the child and Jasper was feeling overwhelmed with anger and sadness.

"I can give her all the jabs in one go or separate appointments? As for her non verbal side I could refer to our speech and language therapist she can help you with exercises that encourage speech?" Dr Cullen suggested to him. Charlie looked at Morgan and said" we'll have the jabs in one go and she not keen on females unfortunately so can you make her aware of that?" Carlisle nods in understanding.

Morgan gets off Charlie lap and goes up to Jasper. She can't figure him out but she went over to wave hello anyways. She taps his leg as he had noticed her yet. He looks down at her and gives her a small smile. Morgan smiles back and waves. Rosalie came up to the pair of them and Morgan screamed and ran back to Charlie. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten her, Chief Swan" Rosalie said sadly. Charlie shook his head" not your fault she doesn't do well with females unfortunately." He said lowly.

Jasper looked over to Morgan who was petrified with fear. He couldn't help be get angry that someone especially a female would treat her horribly. His darkside Major was about to break through in the doctors office. The two cullens left to leave Carlisle to do the remaining part of the appointment. Carlisle spoke up after the two left" Now for the fun part, her jabs." He said trying to sound funny. Morgan saw all the needles on the side and got terrifed. Charlie got down to her level and spoke softly to her" this is medicine to make you protected against any nasty germs if you agree to get them done I'll take you down to the dinner where my friend cora will do you any desserts you like? What do you think about that? Morgan? Morgan looked at Charlie and thought about it, she hesitantly looked at the four jabs she got to have and nodded in agreement as she was afraid to speak."I'll be holding you in my arms so don't worry okay?" Charlie whispered to her.

After the Jabs were done, as promised the two went to Cora's diner for dessert and Morgan actually spoke to Cora. She knew if Charlie liked her then she could like her. She trusts her papa decision. The three cullens went home to discuss a certain Swan. Carlise called for a coven/family meeting," Today I had the honor to meet Morgan Swan, the Chief's granddaughter. She has been showing signs of abuse as she is afraid of women and she's non verbal as she either never learnt to talk or has been told to not speak. Her Mother is Isabella Swan, I don't want any of you involved with her as she is trouble. Is that understood?" He said sternly. Everyone nodded in agreement. Edward read Carlisle's mind and saw what he was talking about and shook his head at the little girl fear.

With the pack, Charlie had phoned Billy to give an update on Morgan and he relayed that on the three manned pack and Emily. Jacob was in room when they discussed about Morgan. He was in bits about how bad Morgan situation is and how she afraid to talk. Billy tells the pack that Morgan may be his imprint or become a important member of the pack. Sam agrees to treat Morgan with respect and provide protection for her. Emily offers her childcare services to Billy as she knows Charlie will need to someone to look after her during the week. The pack all feel some sort of connection to Morgan not in an imprinting sort of way more like she the pup of the pack and she need the protection.

Billy mentions to Emily that Morgan will be very shy and timid toward her due to the fact she has bad experiences with females. Emily nods in understanding and she can't help but tear up that a four year old has trust issues with females. Sam shakes in anger that a pack member especially a pup is being mistreated. He can feel his wolf howling "Bring pup home now! The pup is ours!" Paul and Jared feels their wolves howling I agreement" Need to protect alpha's pup!"

Back with Charlie and Morgan, the duo return home a bitter and spoilt brat." Where have you been? it's my dinner time, where's my food?!"Bella whined and stomped her feet like a two year old. Charlie shook his head," I took Morgan out for dessert as a reward for having her jabs." Bella glared nastily at the timid four year old who hid behind her Papa." I'm more important than that brat of a child!!" She shrieked. Charlie snapped his head up" how dare you say that about her, she not a brat she's a sweet little girl and you aren't important to me anymore. She is because she needs me unlike you who should be able to cook for herself. Now go to your room, you are grounded!"

"Come on Morgan let's got and put a flim of your choice on" Charlie said to her softly. Morgan picked out Lilo and Stitch. Whilst she was watching the flim, Charlie received a phone call from Billy. (Charlie in bold, Billy in italics)

Charlie- Hello Swan Residence?
Billy- Hello Charlie it's Billy.
Charlie- Oh hiya Billy how's everything?
Billy- Everything good here how's everything there?
Charlie- Everything good here too apart from doctors appointment and Bella acting like she's two years old. What can I do you for?
Billy- I was wondering if you would want Emily to watch Morgan for you whilst your working during the week.
Charlie- I'd love for Emily to have her If she and Sam are okay with it?
Billy- It was their idea,and they know she is scared of woman don't worry about that. Emily said she'll keep her distance for now and allow Sam to care for her.
Charlie - let me asked Morgan first give me a second I'll be back.

Charlie goes up to Morgan,"Hey my friends down the reservation have offered to look after you whilst I'm working during the week. How do you feel about that? He asked her with caution. She looked at him thinking before speaking" Who's going to be there? She asked meekly.
Charlie answered" Sam, Emily, Paul, Jared. They are lovely people and they can't wait to meet you."She looked up and said if you like them then I'll go to Sam's for the week." She said with a rare smile. He nodded and said" Emily wants to bake cookies with you so I better get some cookies after wards." He said with a cheeky grin. Morgan gasped at the mention of baking cookies. She nodded in happiness. Charlie returned to the phone call.

Charlie- Hello Billy? She agreed to come to Sam's for the week. Let them know she'll be dropped off about 7am and picked up at 6pm.

Billy- That's fine and I'll glad she coming to the rez for the week. We'll look forward to having her. See you both soon.
Charlie- bye for now Billy.

Phone call ended.

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