🥍Chapter 20🥍

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Morgan spent her day with Billy learning about how she can become a True Alpha to the pack. Jacob was with her every step of the way but he wasn't able to get close to her as Leah and Seth blocked his path the entire time. Bella was trying everyday to get Jake back onside but failed everytime as the pack turned its back on Bella Swan. Charlie revealed to Bella that she lost custody of Morgan and her rights have been revoked. She was no longer Morgan mother, she was just her birth giver now.

The newborn army was closing in, someone entered Morgan's home and stole her favourite Teddy and Bella top. The Cullens were discussing on how they were going to get rid of the army when Bella came up with a plan to use the pack's help. Edward took Bella home and he smelt a unfamiliar scent in both Bella's and Morgan's room. Bella phoned Jake who came over when she mentioned Morgan name. He said whoever it was left his smell behind and that the pack will only help because of Morgan not for Bella not for Edward but for Morgan only.

The pack came to an agreement with the Cullens since their Alpha/imprint was at threat. They all met on neutral ground, Morgan Rode on Leahs back. The cullens were all shocked that Morgan was able to command them like an Alpha." Hey Jasper, Emmett, Carlise!" Morgan greeted the three protected Cullens. The three waved back, Carlisle began talking about how Jasper had experience with newborns and Sam asked how they different to normal vampires.

Morgan and the Pack was watching Jasper and the Cullens fight one another. The pack was edging to join in, Bella strolled over to Jacob and started touching him. Morgan was utterly unimpressed with Jake allowing Bella to touch him," Jacob Black get back over here and learn how to fight newborns like the rest of us." She told him sternly. Jake whined that he wasn't allowed near Bella," Shut it Morgan, he can be with me all he wants he is mine!" She shrieked at her. The pack growled the disrepect and the attitude of Bella actions,"Dr Cullen I think it's best you either contain her now or we will!"Sam told him through the mind link. Dr Cullen nodded in understanding,Edward grabbed Bella and made her move away from the pack.

Morgan tapped Leah,indicating it was time to go but not before shouting out to Jasper and Emmett who she wanted a word with" Jasper,Emmett we'd like a word please?" She spoke with authority. Sam phased back to human form so he and Morgan could talk to them. The rest of the Cullens had left to give them privacy," Morgan is now Alpha of the Pack, she became a true alpha because of my blood I donated to her after her accident. You two are part of her pack and you are pack to us. We protect pack members so we wanted to make you both aware that you are under Morgan's protection on the reservation." Sam explained the situation and both Emmett and Jasper kneeled before Morgan who was smiling with pride that her pack was accepting the two Cullens in front of them.

Morgan climbed down  from leah and gave both Jasper and Emmett a hug each." I'm glad you both are accepting your places in my pack. Your mates are pack protected too,Dr Cullen is also pack but I couldn't tell him with Edward there and my birth giver." She told them.They both nodded in understanding, Morgan felt happier that things were going her way and her life was changing for the better.

She started to feel like she was shifting, she fell to her hands and knees and her bones started to break. The entire pack saw this and made a protection circle around her, Sam guided her so she could shift safely and carefully.Morgan phased after what felt like hours. She was a wolf pup for real this time and she looked at each pack member. Her eyes landed on Jake's wolf eyes and she imprinted on him.

Morgan's wolf form

Morgan was a black wolf just like Sam and she was so happy to be a wolf like the rest of the pack

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Morgan was a black wolf just like Sam and she was so happy to be a wolf like the rest of the pack. She felt free and wild, she barked happily in her wolf form and she circled the two vampires scenting them showing the pack that they are friends now, she made it very clear that the Cullens were protected by her and if anyone harms them will be dealt with harshly.

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