🥍Chapter 12🥍

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Morgan was stuck at home locked in her room as her mother left her at home. Charlie wasn't home so he wasn't made aware that she was stuck at home alone. She was used to the abuse now as she had no escape hatch from it all. All the people she had, were gone and had forgotten her, she didn't trust anyone anymore not even her granddad. She couldn't get close with anyone as they either forget her or completely abandon her.

Bella returned home, and unlocked the door. She threatened Morgan to keep quiet or she'll destroy her room and leave her with nothing. Morgan shakily nodded and kept quiet, she followed her mother like a dog afraid of its owner.  She was planning on going to watch a movie with Jake and her friends so she had to play doting mother for a short while so she could dump Morgan on her dad. 

Belle left for the movies.Morgan couldn't believe that noone cares, She knows her granddad does but she couldn't believe how she went from having a group of people to no-one. Bella returned hours later, frustrated that Jake just ran out and left her at the movies after getting all hot and bothered. Charlie got a call from bully explaining that jake got mono and no one is to come on the reservation till its gone. He told the girls, Jake was sick and that no-one could see him for a long while.

Morgan was upset that she had to be with her mother even more now as she had no escape. She was trapped with a devil woman who loved to hurt her and treat her like dirt. She got dragged to the meadows with her mother blindfolded as she didn't want Morgan to see her meadow. She had to take her as Charlie threaten her with sending her to her mothers and taking custody away. Bella despises her child, would love nothing more than to get rid of her.

Bella found "her meadow" dead and gone. She felt angry that everything of hers was gone. She wanted to hurt Morgan as she believed that she was the cause to everything leaving her behind. She almost went to attack Morgan when Laurent appeared in front of her. She was hopeful that Laurent would turn her so she didn't have to want for Edward to do it for her so she could kill Morgan and staet living for real.

Laurent was stalking Morgan and Bella wanting to kill them. Bella played the part well of the fake scaredy cat and She wanted Laurent to attack them she wanted to be a vampire and she didn't care if it meant the death of her child. She wanted to be free and she was ready to sacrifice her to the devil. Laurent was about to bite Bella when he saw the five wolves exit the woods stalking the normad. Jake looked at Bella and saw no future with Bella, they went on to attack the Normad. Bella ran and left Morgan behind, Morgan took her blindfold off when she heard no one around and made her way back to the house. She learnt that she had to be her own saviour now as she didn't have a mother who cared, or anyone who has her back. She had to grow up and not be a little kid anymore. She decided she was never gonna talk to anyone now. She never wanted have anything to do with the reservation and the people no matter how much it was gonna hurt her.

Charlie couldn't believe that Bella left Morgan in the woods alone, he went to go and rescue her while Harry told the pack that Morgan was out there alone and that Charlie will be hunting them so they will need to lay low for a while now. Sam was furious that Bella just left Morgan behind and that she dropped the pack in it so they can't shift for a while. Morgan eventually got home cold and tired but she quickly gone to her room and locked it. Charlie checked in on Morgan and he noticed the little girl was even more closed off and more mute than ever. She just nods or shakes when someone talks to her, she learnt that noone got her back and she can't depend on anyone not anymore.

She heard Bella come back and saw how soaked she was from the rain outside. She screamed in morgans face saying" its your fault, you introduced him to Sam and now Sam got him and he won't be my friend mine anymore because of you!" She smacked Morgan hard and kicked her till she whimpered out and blacked out. Jake visited Bella and spoke to her about the legends and he was trying to get Bella to fall in love with him and he completely forget about Morgan who was currently upstairs in pain and blacking out.

When Bella only remembered the cold ones, Jake stormed about the window and said I guess that's all you remember and left. Bella heard a sad howling in the night, she shot up and said "wolves they are wolves!" Bella made her way to the rez the next day without Morgan she locked the bedroom door and left her all alone.

Morgan woke up in her room, dried blood all over face. She decided to follow Matilda footsteps and clean herself up and look after herself.  She wondered if she could just leave Forks and find somewhere new to start again as she didn't have anyone here anymore. She knew to just wait until she was at the right age to walk away from Forks for good. Nothing was here for her, not Sam, Not Jake and Not Charlie. Morgan spent the remainder of the day planning her future where she was free and away from all of this.

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