🙊Chapter 19🙊

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Morgan spent the morning with Leah,Seth, Jasper and Emmett. The five of them spent the entire morning having bond experiences. Leah didn't like vampires but she warmed up to Jasper and Emmett as she saw Morgan trusting them so she trusted them for Morgan sake. Leah was ready to attack anyone who stared at morgan in the wrong way, Seth was her big brother and he made every day fun for her. Jasper and Emmett left to go home, while Morgan and the clearwaters siblings went to Sam's for the first time in seven months.

Down the Rez, Sam and the pack made sure they had everything ready for Morgan, They had a banner saying welcome home, a table full of Morgan's favourite snacks and drinks, and a few presents from the whole pack in the hopes this was the right step in making things right with her. Morgan was due to come down with Leah and Seth. The two siblings never wanted to come to the pack meetings anymore. Leah became very protective of Morgan, no one could get near her, Seth was her big brother and despite his innocence he can be very fiesty and protective.

The entire pack was looking forward to them coming. Paul finally started smiling again and was his happy go luck self and Jared was back to being cheeky. Embry couldn't wait to see Morgan again, she made his life better  he hated that she was gone this entire time. Jake wasn't there yet as he'd gone to tell the Cullens off for crossing the treaty. Quil hasn't met Morgan yet properly he only met her once and he never really saw her again. Jake had arrived with Bella in tow, the pack came put expecting it to be Morgan with the Clearwaters but were disappointed to see Bella again.

Leah howled in signal that Morgan and they were arriving, the pack got ready for Morgan. Morgan was riding on Leah's back seth was flanking her to make sure Morgan wouldn't fall off. Paul,Embry and Jared went over to help Morgan down and felt a Sam alpha connection fade away and Morgan's took over for good. Morgan felt a surge of power three times as strong,Jake came over to greet her, looked into her eyes and felt gravitational pull towards her. Jake  realized that he had imprinted on Morgan Swan. He also saw she was to become a True Alpha and felt that connection come at them both full force.

Sam approach Morgan who hadn't moved from Leah's side and he felt his Alpha status had gone completely to Morgan Swan. He knew that She was the alpha of the Pack now but Morgan had something to say" I know I'm the Alpha now but Sam will take the lead till I'm the appropriate age. You are all on my bad side and need to earn my trust back." She told them with authority. Jake saw her scars, he was angry with leah for hurting his imprint but had no right to be angry as he abandoned her for Bella Swan. Quil came to meet Morgan properly with Emily in tow and both saw how much she changed and felt a connection. The pack got to their knees showing their allegiance to Morgan Swan.

Morgan didn't know how to react but she accepted their allegiance and loyalty. She told them that Sam and Leah was the lead wolves and they must follow their every word. She told them that Jasper Hale,Emmett Cullen and Carlisle Cullen were to never be harmed under her law. She told them that the moon goddess told her four vampires were trustworthy and needed pack protection. The pack didn't argue with her, as she was serious. Bella came over to disrupt the pack meeting and she grimaced at Morgan face which got Leah's attention.

Leah got up and punch Bella in the face" Don't you ever look at her like that you abusive cow!" Leah snapped at her. Bella tried to attack leah and failed because Morgan got Paul and Jared to tackle her to the ground. " I think it's best you leave now Bella." Sam told her. "Jared Paul, take her to to the treaty line and hand her back to the mind reader." Sam told them. They both nodded and took a fuming Bella back to Forks.

Jake approach Morgan, whilst everyone was heading inside." Morgan can we talk? I know I've messed up and destroyed your trust. Can we start over please?" Jake asked her sadly. Morgan was utterly upset" You abandoned me for my abusive mother and let her win. Did you know she battered me when you shiftered? and you completely ingored me for her.I know you have imprinted on me but I can't forgive you Jakey as you broke me. Earn my trust back" She said softly.

Jake nodded in understanding" That's what I will do, I'll earn everything back and I'll start now so what do you want me to do Alpha?" He said winking at her. Morgan couldn't help but smile at jake attempt, " You could agree to let me do make up on you ?" She said slyly. Jake instantly regretted it but sucked it up as it was pay back for all these months. The entire pack agreed to having make up done by Morgan.

Morgan was back where she belonged, everything was back to the way it was but she could sense something was wrong and danger was coming full force at her and the pack but she didn't know what yet.

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