🦋Chapter 8🦋

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Morgan refused to go to the rez today as she was too frighten by her mother actions yesterday. Charlie tried to get her to go but couldn't get her to budge on the issue. Morgan had to stay with her mother as Charlie couldn't take her to work. He didn't want to but had little choice, he phoned the school and told them to keep an eye on Morgan as he doesn't trust Bella to look after her.

Morgan was utterly terrifed, she didn't want to be with Bella. She wanted to be with Jake and Embry. But she didn't go to the reservation as she wanted to protect them from Bella's craziness, she wanted to protect everyone on the rez. They didn't deserve to have her crazy obsessive mother after them. She believed that she deserved the beating she got from Bella, she didn't listen to her so she got the consequences of her actions. Morgan was miserable the entire day, she only dismissed going to the rez to protect them and little did she know everyone was missing her down at the rez.

Sam was going out of his mind when he found out that Morgan refused to come down today.Sam wolf was pacing back and forth" Pup isn't home! Why doesn't she want us anymore?!" She needs to come home!" Alpha whined missing his pup. Sam nodded in agreement, Emily tried her best to comfort Sam but it had no affect. Paul was sulking all day as he was missing Morgan, he loves her likea baby sister he never got. Jared was missing his partner in crime, she always stole extra muffins for them both. Emily was missing her little chef  and she noticed the boys needed Morgan in their lives as the pack house was empty without her.

With Billy,Jake and Embry were both sulking as they were missing someone important in their lives. They were devastated that Morgan refused to come down today. They were hoping she would come to the beach for a day and play with them in the sand and play football. Even though they don't get along with Sam and his friends they were willing to be friends for Morgans sake.

Jake couldn't help but feel like she was his everything. He thought he loved Bella but he was deadly wrong. It was Morgan who stole his heart, she was his everything and he couldn't live without her. That four year old stole his heart and all he wants to do is protect her with all his might. Embry however felt like he had to protect this girl, she was something special to the rez and she was the key to keeping everyone together. He just wanted her to come home and stay forever. He would love nothing more than to run into forks and bring her home to live on the rez and with the people.

Morgan was being dragged around by her wrist by her so called mother. She felt trapped next to her mother. Bella dragged her in the woods to confront Edward Cullen about being a vampire. He didn't want to go but saw how frightened Morgan was of her mother decided to play along and once she let go of her he'd grab Morgan and run away with her. Morgan was finally free of her mother grip, she saw her mother fake a scared posture and taking talking about how she knows his a vampire.

Morgan was scared but she wasn't afraid of Edward, she was scared of what her mother would do. She slowly crept away, Edward saw her creeping away. He said nothing to Bella as she wasn't interested in her child.  Jasper actually followed Edward and the two Swan into thr forest as he didn't trust Bella. Major came out of his hiding place and found Morgan wondering lost in the woods. He stayed with her and protected her, he took her back to the school and told them to call Charlie Swan ASAP.

Charlie came to the school the second he found out Bella dragged Morgan into the woods and left her wondering alone. He gave his thanks to Jasper who nodded in return. Charlie still had to work so he took her the rez despite Morgan's protests. Sam and the pack were in the house ready to go on patrol when they heard a familiar cruiser pull up.

The entire pack ran out to see Morgan in car. She was refusing to exit the car, Sam approached her in the hopes she'll come out to him." Morgan? Hey its okay, we won't hurt you. You know that right? We'll protect you we promise you don't have to be afraid anymore." He spoke every so softly. She looked up at him" how can you possibly know that? How can you promise to protect me?!  I don't deserve your protection or love! I can't be here Sam. Take me home papa now!" Morgan yelled out.

Charlie shook his head," Morgan you have to stay here as I'm working today and your mother left you in the woods if it wasn't for Jasper bringing you back you could have been hurt by a bear. You are safe with Sam and his friends. They won't hurt you at all and you know that. He spoke softly but firmly. Morgan ran out of the car and into the woods, Charlie and the pack shouted after her. "We'll get her Chief  as we know the woods round here." Sam spoke with sincerity. Morgan thought out loud, Edward was hunting at the time" I'm only running to protect them, I don't want the pack or anyone to get hurt because of me." Morgan thought sadly. He, Emmett Carlisle and Jasper are searching for her along with the pack with permission.

It's been four hours since she vanished in the woods, Sam wolf was getting angsy by the minute. Suddenly he heard a wolf howling. He knew it was Paul, the Cullens,Sam and Jared raced to Paul's location and found him wrapped around Morgan curled up body. Paul wolf got defensive due to the Cullens approaching her, Sam got him to stand down so Carlisle could check on her." She needs to get warmed up as she very cold but she is okay otherwise Sam." Carlise explained.

Sam nodded in understanding and shifted back and picked the little girl up and.placed her on his chest. "I need to know what the hell happened at school as she came to ours not wanting to come out!" Sam shouted. Jasper spoke first" She found out about us, because of Bella and she let Morgan wonder far from her and luckily I followed them as I don't trust Bella and brought her back." Sam nodded in thanks.

The Cullens and the pack went their separate ways. Sam called Charlie as soon as he got out the woods. Billy was waiting for them along side Jake, Charlie and Embry. All four men signed in relief, Morgan woke up in Sam's arms and she felt sad for behaving the way she has. She wish she could be brave and say why she scared but she doesn't think they'll believe her and she believes she is just a burden to them all. Jake ran to her and scooped her up and held her close to his chest" Morgan don't ever run away again, you scared me I was worried about you. You are my favourite person in this world!" Jake expressed worriedly.  She looked up and nodded" I'm sorry! I ran away because I was scared not of you, for you. My mama said you are hers Jakey and she yelled at me. I only ran to protect you, I don't want you to get hurt any of you!" She quickly confessed.

Charlie went to get Morgan," Hey Morgan, she won't hurt anyone ever. I won't let her, you are allowed to come here and be with Jake, Embry and Sam. You are allowed here and your mother is not gonna stop you. I'll be having words with her tonight and you young lady have a sleepover to get to remember?" He told her. Morgan looked up smiling remembering that she staying with the pack,Jake and Embry tonight.

Charlie took Morgan back to get some clothes, Bella was home by the time they got back. Charlie was fuming at her, " You! Young lady are in for it! How bloody dare you?! You threatened her told her that jake is yours! Hell he is nobody's but his own person. You tell Morgan that everyone down the rez is yours again. I'll arrest you and take custody away. You left her in the woods yo talk to Edward Cullen? Good job for Jasper Hale to bring her back to the school. Charlie let rip on Bella and Bella was not happy. Morgan hid behind Charlie, " Morgan go and get your things for your stay at Sam's as Jake coming to get you." Charlie spoke to her softly.

Morgan got her backpack ready for the weekend. Bella stormed upstairs as Morgan exited her room. She saw the deranged loom on her mother's eyes" You may had won this time but you won't be so lucky next time" She snapped at Morgan who ran away from her. Jake was downstairs waiting for her, she had a smile on her face. Jake embraces her with a cuddles. Bella peaked at the top of the stairs and glared at Morgan. She strutted downstairs and made flirty attempt to get Jake's attention. Jake just gave a disgust look and walked away from her. Charlie just shook his head" Bella pack it in, Jake ain't interested in you so stop acting like that and go up stairs you are grounded!" He sternly told her  jake gave a look of thanks. Charlie nodded back. Jake looked at Morgan was love in his eyes" Shall we get going to Sam's little one? Embry there waiting for us!" He spoke. Morgan looked up and nodded with a genuine smile.

The two left for Sam's pack house, they were very excited to go as Jake was getting closer to shifting and Morgan felt at one with Jake and the rest to the pack. Sam and the rest of them made sure the sleep over was going to be the best thing that ever happened in Morgans life. 

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