🐉Chapter 27🐉

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The day of the battle came as fast as it approached. Bella and Alice were stood with their allies again the Cullens,Volturi and the pack. Morgan was in her wolf form and Bree was on Jacob's back and Leah was protecting Morgan from the enemy. The three Kings stood with Seth,Embry and Jacob's. Bella made the first move and began running to attack Edward, Jane countered Bella's attack and brought her down using her power. Bella crashed and groaned,Alice began to run forward with her battalion and the Volturi guards, the cullens and the pack all ran forward and began their assault. Paul and Emmett worked as a team to bring down the biggest enemies and won by ripping them to pieces.

Demtri and Felix both helped to protect the Kings from stray vampires along side the wolves. Rosalie and Esme worked together to different the females were trying to attack them. Jasper and Edward were fighting off Bella and Alice. Both were struggling to fight back, Morgan howled to gain Bellas and Alice's attention giving Edward and Jasper the chance to use the distraction as a way to escape their grasps." You should have stayed with me Edward now everyone you love is gonna die on this field." Bella snarkly speaks. "No just you and Alice are gonna die half of your battalion are dead." Edward snarkly replies back to her.

Leah deicide to help Jasper and Edward with Alice. Leah tackled Alice to the ground and began fighting her. Alice couldn't over power her and lost the fight, Leah pinned her down and ripped Alice the piece and Jasper burned the pieces. Bella stopped and looked around and saw she had lost the battle she tried to run but got tackled by Morgan wolf." Knew it be you who would tackle me.I will kill you right here right now so everyone can feel pain." Bella snarkly spoke, she pushed Morgan wolf off and tired to kill her but Jane used the pain on her again and brought Bella to her knee where Feilx and Demtri grabbed her and brought her before the Kings." My my Bella you caused more trouble than I've dealt with before. I seen everything you have done and I find you guilty of all the crimes you have committed any last words before I sentence you to death?" Aro ask her, Bella scoffs in Aro's face" I regret nothing and I'll do it all again." She snarkly spoke out.

Aro went to kill her when Edward speaks up" Aro may let Morgan kill her as she wants to ends this properly and take out some of her anger." He tells aro with a smile on his face." Aro smirks and nods" All yours my dear" He says to Morgan's snarling wolf form. Morgan wolf pounces and rips bellas head off clean with no mercy and no humanity. She rips apart her mother bit by bit and sits there with a wolfy grin and walks over to Jake's wolf and rubs her self on his leg telling him she's okay. The Pack, the Cullens and the Volturi watched as Edward sets Bella alight indicating the battle done and its officially over.

The Pack and Cullens all bid the king and the guards fair well as they were heading back the Volterra and Jane bid fairwell to her brother as she chose to stay with Seth and go on the animal diet for Seth. Morgan accepted Jane into the pack and told her the same as bree she is pack protected and is welcome to visit.  The pack and the Cullens went their separate ways. Carlisle phoned Charlie to tell him that Bella and Alice were killed in a car crash and their bodies were burnt to ashes. Charlie wasn't overly sad about Bella's death but grieved all the same.

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