💀Chapter 7💀

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Morgan woke up in Sam's arms and she was happy that she was there with Sam and the pack. She felt at home with the wolves, she got up and went down stairs where she saw Paul waiting for her with open arms. She went up to him and gave him a hug." Can Billy jake and embry come over now please! And then we all go to the beach." She asked with a smile on her face. Paul nodded" Of course pup let's go Emily tell Sam we've gone to the beach so he doesn't freak out." Emily nodded.

Sam did wake up and he freaked the fuck out." Where is she?! Emily!!" Sam shouted. Emily ran up the stairs" Sam she at the beach with the boys and we got Jake and Embry coming down there too so let's get the food and go to the beach. She told him in a calm voice. "We need to go to pup! Pup is ours not theirs!" Sam wolf howled and paced with nerves. Sam and Emily immediately left for the beach. Unfortunately Bella was there with her friends from school and Morgan was nowhere to be seen. No one knows where she has gone to. Jacob was dragged to talk about the legends with Bella. Paul and Jared were searching the beach for her, Sam shifted in the woods and started to search for her but he couldn't smell her scent. All of sudden he heard Emily shouting "Sam!! She's here, she was hiding behind a rock!"

Sam raced back to the beach to see a shaken up Morgan who was cold and gone very timid. The four of them left the beach with a very scared four year old. They didn't get far when Bella snatched the girl from Sam's arms and left with her.  The pack was pissed that she did that, Sam's wolf went mental" Kill her take pup back now!! Paul's and Jared's wolf went mental" Take Alpha's pup back form her now!!" Sam got on the phone to Charlie within seconds explaining that Bella came to the beach and snatched Morgan from his arms and that Morgan is wet and very shaken up right now. Charlie was not impressed with Bella's behaviour, he was gonna have words with her the second he gets back home.

⚠️Minor abuse warning⚠️
Morgan and Bella got back home. Bella immediately attacked Morgan verbally and physically." What did I tell you?! The La Push lot are mine and you are not be anything to them! Stay away from them, they are mine you little brat!" She shaken up Morgan and slapped her across the face. " I want you to never speak again or look at anyone in the face again cause if you do I'll do more than slap you!" Bella viciously threatened her.
⚠️Minor abuse warning ended⚠️

Bella left a very upset and traumatising Morgan and went to her room. Morgan ran to her room before her papa came back and hid under her bed and never came out. Charlie searched for her and spoke to her softly" Morgan please come out I won't hurt you. I need to see if you're okay princess?" Morgan made an appearance and Charlie clenched his fist at the hand mark on her face and the face his granddaughter looks pale.  Charlie made the decision to take her to the cullens for a check over.

The two went to the cullens house, Esme opened the door to Charlie and she saw a petrified Morgan and she couldn't believe how cruel someone could be to her. She showed Charlie and Morgan in and she went and got Carlisle. The Cullen children came to say hello, Morgan hid when Alice and Rosalie approached her. Jasper could feel the little girl fear and panic, Jasper suprised everywhere by going up to her. Morgan looked and saw Jasper, she smiled at him and she let him hold her. He went into Major mode and wouldn't let anyone touch her.

Emmett approached Morgan whilst she was with Jasper and she waved hello but hid her face in the crook of Jasper's neck. Edward kept his distance but he could hear Morgans thoughts and he didn't like what he heard. He plucked the courage and approached her, Morgan looked and saw Edward. She smiled at him, he could see men she was completely fine with but women terrifed her. Edward made the decision that Bella was to never enter their world and he would cut contact with her as he could see she was no good and that his true mate was out there somewhere.

Esme returned with Dr Cullen who was appalled at the sight of a petrified Morgan who had a handmark and was very pale. The two Swans and Carlisle went into the office so he could give her the once over to make sure she was okay and wasn't getting ill. Charlie also wanted a medical point of view for court as he wanted to take custody of his granddaughter for good and strip Bella's partental rights away.

Carlisle determined that Morgan is traumatised, shaken up and petrified but is well. He recommended that any female need to keep their distance and allow her to approach them. He agreed to write a medical report of Morgan and say whether he believes Bella is an unfit mother. Carlisle looked at a frighten young girl in her granddads arms and thought she is a gift to the world and she getting treated like rubbish. He will be making another family meeting once the two Swans are gone.

Charlie and Morgan said their goodbyes and left for home. Charlie phoned Billy the moment he got home
.Billy couldn't believe what had happened and relayed the message to everyone on the reservation. Jake was pissed off to the point he almost shifted. Billy thinks he will shift within a few weeks, so has told Sam to keep any eye on him. Sam was even worse when he heard the news he was pissed, his wolf went on a rampage in the woods that Paul and Jared wolves were having the same effect. Emily was upset for Morgan as she stuck with an abusive mother and now Morgan won't come near her now as she completely afraid of women.

Sam was determined to make Morgan life better and show her nothing but love. He made the decision that Bella was to never set foot on the rez and not one of them is to approach her and she doesn't come near Morgan when she's here. Paul and Jared made sure Morgan had toys, games snacks and movies available here for the days she's here. Morgan has become a wolf pup and a very important member of the pack now. She is the glue holding them together.

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