🦊Chapter 23🐺

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The days were quiet for the pack and Cullens. Last they heard off Bella or Alice was they both left Forks for Seattle and they weren't returning but Morgan felt they never left like something was happening and it was coming for them full force. "Something coming Sam I can feel it and its gonna come full force. I don't think Alice and Bella are truly gone. Both are gonna be full of anger and hate for me for the pack and for the cullens that we're all targets for them."Morgan shakily speaks out to Sam.

Sam nods in agreement," I agree with you and that's why I've put the pack on extra patrols and I gave them Bella's and Alice's scent so if they do return we will know straight away." He tell her whilst hugging her."It might be best if we get the volturi involved make them aware that Bella and Alice are working together a day might cause unnecessary problems for them and let them dispose of them both?" Morgan suggests to Sam." It might be but there's a possibility thay they may refuse to do a thing and they may attack us as werewolves and vampires don't mix." Sam explains to Morgan.

"Marcus is apparently the voice of reason and aro crafty but Caius is the one to watch out for apparently according to Carlisle. Jane and Alec are the worse two out of the guard that's why bree escape with me seth and Jake because Jane would have killed her plus Harry told me she worth saving." Morgan tells Sam.The father and daughter duo heads inside to see the pack all chilled out and enjoying the day. Jasper came to visit Leah who was happy with him, she finally got someone to love and heal her. She and Jake have each others back, she hasn't fully forgiven him for his behaviour but she trusts him again

Edward and Bree were settled and had a private wedding. The pack oversaw the wedding and it went off without a hitch. Morgan was utterly and completely happy with how her life was heading and she was running with the wolves now. She was at one with nature, her life changed in the matter of months. She went from being abused,timid to independent and outspoken to an Alpha and leader. She liked this version of Morgan Clearwater as she chose to have sue last name instead of Bella's last night.

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