Chapter 17

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Nicki P.O.V

"Why are you always in my bed in the morning, Chris?" I groaned, tryna move him over.

"Stop." He yawned. I rolled my eyes and turned over on my side. Knock,knock, knock at my door.

"Why?!" I groaned as I rolled out of bed. I slipped on a button up shirt and my slippers and opened the door to see Jhene. Her eyes were red and puffy and I noticed a bruise on her right cheek.

"Jhene, what's wrong? You been crying?" I asked her. She sniffed her nose and nodded.


"I have to tell you something about my boyfriend, Michael," She paused.

"Jhene, you can tell me anything. What's going on?"

"He's been hitting me and I don't know what to do."

"Jhene, just leave him. Don't keep going back. You don't need that in your life."

"No, I don't go back by choice, I go back...because he forces me." She said that last part quietly.

"Alright. I'll figure something out."

"Thank you, Nicki. Just please don't tell August."

"I won't, I promise. Now go to your room and get some rest. Breakfast will be ready in about an hour." She smiled and walked back to her room.

"What'd she want?" Chris mumbled.

"She finally told me about what Michael been doing to her. Now I gotta find out a way to help her."

"She can't be helped if she doesn't want help."

"She does want help, Chris. He forces her to be with him. If she refuses, he'll hurt her and I don't want that to happen to her anymore."

"Alright, we'll talk about this later. Now where my morning kiss at?" He puckered his lips.

"You'll get it after you brush yo teeth. I don't wanna kiss yo stanky breath ass."

"Whatever. Hurry up so we can take a shower."


"Yea. You got three minutes, so bring ya ass." His voice trailed off as he walked in my bathroom.

"Yo Nicki, I gotta-" August walked in and paused seeing me on Chris's lap.

"Good. I'm glad ya both hea' cause I need ta' talk ta' ya." He sat at the edge of my bed.

"What you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"Well obviously we all know what's been goin' on wit' Jhene, and Nicki, when are we gonna do it?"

I almost froze. I shook my head, signaling him to not say anything else.

"What y'all talking bout?"

I sighed. Might as well tell him. "You can tell him August. Ain't no sense in lying."

"Ya sure?" I nodded my head. "Alright. Nicki here is something like a spy. She hidin' from da nigga dats puttin' his hands on our sister and his family cause dey been lookin' fa' ha' fa' a while."

"Seriously?" Chris had this shocked look on his face. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Yea, and Nicki been tellin' me dat we was gon go look for 'em but we neva' did. So when Nicki?" They both looked at me.

"Tonight. We'll go tonight cause I know for sure that Jhene's gonna be there. Y'all two need to go get ready."


"We'll leave at 8:00. We gotta be careful. They dangerous and I don't wanna put y'all in harm."

They both nodded their heads and exited my room. Why did I just agree to this?

7:56 p.m.

"You guys ready?" I asked them, putting the clip in my gun.

"Yea, but the hell we supposed to protect ourselves with? We ain't got nothing." Chris threw his hands up. I rolled my eyes and threw them my duffle bag, containing various types of guns.

"Oh shit." August eyes widened.

"Where the hell did you get this from?" Chris asked as he pulled out a glock 19.

"No time for questions. Just grab two and hide them where they won't be seen."

They did as they were told and we were ready. I still can't believe I'm doing this.

A few minutes later

We finally pulled up to the traphouse. I could tell that August and Chris were terrified, but they was doing this for they sister.

"You guys ready?" They nodded.

"Alright. Lets go."

To be continued...

So what's gon happen? They gon get caught? Comment what you think?

5+ votes and 5+ comments. Remember to read That One Girl, In Love With A Stripper, Bad Decisions and Trapped if you not already reading them. Be breezy!

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