Chapter 4

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"No, no, no......I'm dreaming...just dreaming! " I said to myself. I looked to see myself in the mirror. The reflection in the mirror wasn't me! I looked at the reflection. It's eyes were a glowing green, my hair is dark brown, but the reflection's was a light blonde. It was my reflection though.....I recognized my smile, it was my face.

I closed my eyes, maybe if I opened them everything would be normal. I opened them, I still had blonde hair and green eyes. I wanted to scream, but, I didn't want my parents or brother to see me. I made a promise to keep it a secret. I closed my eyes again.

"When I open my eyes...I will return to normal." I told myself. I slowly opened my eyes. My old reflection was back. I stared at the mirror in shock. I looked down, my nails were normal again.

"Yep. I've totally lost it! " I said as I walked back to bed. I don't know what just happened, but I believe I am going insane. Maybe hallucinations were a side effect to the Keloformin. Yep. I'm gonna go with that. A few days passed since any incidents occurred. It was a Wednesday morning. I was up on time for school today.

I was downstairs getting a bowl for my Cocoa Puffs. I set the bowl on the table. I filled it with the cereal and walked to the fridge to get milk. As I opened the fridge, all of the magnets were swept off the fridge clinging to me. 'What the heck?' I thought to myself. I began pulling the magnets off me, quickly placing them on the fridge before anyone noticed. I grabbed the milk and poured it in.

As I began eating my cereal, my spoon began to shake. It suddenly flung onto my face. I pulled it off, and set it in he bowl. 'That's weird ' I thought. Why are all magnets and metal objects sticking to me? I finished my cereal and began to walk out the door, before I could touch my keys off the key ring, they stuck to my hand.

By the time I got to school, it had stopped. 'Thank God' I thought to myself. The last thing I needed was for me to do something stupid at school. I walked to Spanish class. Today we were reviewing vocabulary. Mrs. Mott passed a worksheet out. I began working on the worksheet. The whole class was silent as they filled out the worksheet.

"Hey, Genevieve. I like your eyes." said Sarah. She was sitting next to me.

I turned to her confused. "You like my eyes? ..."

"Yeah, I've never heard of glowing green contacts before. They are sweet looking. Where did you get them?" she whispered.

Oh shit! My eyes were glowing. "ummm....Walmart. They don't make them anymore though " I lied.

"Oh...well they look great!" she whispered.

"Thanks....." I said trying not to draw any attention. I rested my head over my desk and pulled my hood over my face.

The bell rang, I had my head down, as I rushed to my locker. I quickly looked for sunglasses and put them on. My hood was still up. I walked to Mr. Kent's room and sat down. Thank goodness I was a teachers aide this period. I had my head down writing an essay for English. Mr. Kent walked in, he must have been copying papers.

"You ok Genevieve? " he asked curiously.

"Yes.....I'm just tired...." I lied.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses? " he asked.

" know, just keeping up on the latest trends...."

"Latest trends? You never cared about fashion" he said.

"Well now I do! "

"Oh, well school rules say you are not suppose to wear sunglasses in class Genevieve."

I hated it when he was right. He held his hand out, waiting for me to hand him my glasses. I closed my eyes, 'Please let my eyes be back to normal' I thought to myself. I pulled off my glasses.

"I don't know what you are up to, but you better stay out of trouble." he warned.

I rolled my eyes and continued with my essay. He began typing on the computer. I began reading over my essay, when I noticed my pencil floating in the air. 'Really?!!' I thought to myself. I grabbed my pencil quickly. It wouldn't come back down. I held the pencil in my left hand and wrote the essay with my right hand. I suddenly got an odd sensation. I looked down to see me levitating a few feet from the ground. 'No, no, no!' I thought. I wrapped my legs around the desk legs to hold me down. My paper and eraser then began floating.

"Oh come on!!!! " I yelled.

Bad move on my part. Mr Kent turned around, just as I grabbed the paper with my other hand and bit down on the eraser. Mr. Kent looked at me strangely. I must have looked pretty goofy, with my arms sprawled out, my body clinging to the desk, and an eraser shoved in my mouth.

"ummm....are you ok there Genevieve?" he asked concerned.

"yeah....I have never been better." I mumbled with the eraser in my mouth. 'I wish everything would stop floating!' I thought in my head. I noticed everything eased. I let go of the desk, and spit the eraser out of my mouth. 'I have some kind of weird abilities that turn on and off when I think of it.' I thought to myself.

"you sure?" he asked.

"Yes....I just was stretching" I lied.

"Okay......." he said.

"ummm can I use the restroom?" I asked.

"Why?" he asked.

Ughh....he knew I was up to something.

"For certain lady problems!!!" I lied. "Do you want to hold my hand while I'm in there?! Jeez! A woman can't even go to the restroom without being interrogated!" I saw his expression change, he was feeling awkward. I didn't want to be rude, but he couldn't find out about me.

"ummm, no....sorry. Go ahead."

"Thank you! " I said annoyed as I walked out.

I went into the restroom and looked into the mirror. I looked normal. I felt fine...I'll just use the restroom while I'm in here. I went, did my business and went to flush the toilet. I pushed down on the metal lever and it broke off. The toilet began overflowing.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! " I quietly said. I began to panic, I grabbed the lever and tried to put it back on. No use, it fell back off. I decided to make a run for it. I ran down the hall with toilet paper stuck to my shoe. I quickly grabbed it and threw it in the trash. I ran to Mr.Kent's room and sat in my seat.

Mr. Kent must have seen a sense of panic in my face. "Are you alright? " he asked.

I watched as a student in the hallway lead a janitor to the bathroom. I began to get nervous. I bit my lip.


"Ok, you are acting odd! What is your deal?! " he asked.

"I...uh..." the bell interrupted me. "Got to go!" I said.

I made a run for it. "Genevieve, wait you didn't answer my question!" he shouted.

I continued down the steps to my locker. I had to get out of here. It looks like I am going to have to pay Dr. Henderson a visit. I need to find out what is going on with me.

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