Chapter 7

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"Put the guns down!" I said courageously. My heart was pounding. The three men laughed.

"Hahaha, you honestly think we'd listen to you! " one said as he pointed the gun to my face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you....." I warned him.

"Or what?" he laughed.

He shot his gun, the bullet hit my face and fell to the ground. I was unharmed. The man looked at me in amazement. I watched as the hostages looked at me in shock. I punched the man, sending him flying into the wall knocking him unconscious. I turned to the two other guys. I saw fear in their faces.

"Who's next?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

A small smirk spread across their faces. "You may be bullet proof but they aren't! " one yelled.

They pointed their guns to the hostages. I watched as the hostages sat there in fear. I remembered the magnets sticking to me on the fridge. Maybe if I could use my magnetism abilities to grab their guns. I held out my hands towards their guns. I watched as their guns flung out of their hands.

"Game over guys!" I said. I dropped the guns and slided them away from the three thugs and the hostages. They both went to run for the exit. I went to run to the exit, when I suddenly was there.

"It works!!! " I said in shock at the speed of the suit. The thugs looked at me in fear. I noticed as the one guy dug in his pant pocket. He pulled out a knife and ran at me, hoping to stab me in the chest. Instead the knife bent up like an accordion. I still was unharmed.

"I've had enough of your games ..." I said as I punched him in the face.

It sent him flying into the counter. Causing the counter to collapse on him. The impact knocked him out. I turned to see the other guy, trying to grab the guns I took away from them. I speeded up to him, before he could. I stood in front of him, holding the guns.

"Just shoot me!" the thug pleaded.

"Funny, you weren't so scared earlier when you were holding these people hostage demanding money." I said.

"Just kill me!" he begged.

"That's not my thing. Trust me, I would never lower myself to your level to kill."

"Then let me free!!!"

"I'm not going to do that either, you wouldn't learn your lesson then!"

"What are you going to do to me then? "

I smacked the gun upside the man's head. It was hard enough to knock him out, but not to kill him. He fell to the ground. All the thugs layed on the floor unconscious. I did it! The hostages stood there, staring at me in shock. News helicopters flew around the building. I walked to the shattered window I entered. The cops were below, just entering the building to rescue the hostages. "Thank you" I heard one of the hostages say. I turned around to see an older woman.

"What is your name?" she asked.

I couldn't tell her my real name. I was just an 18 year old girl trying to finish high school. I never expected any of this. I knew that the powers I had were a blessing. A blessing that needed to be protected. I looked to see her waiting for my response. I said the first name that came to my mind.

"My name is Atomic Woman "

I dove out the ten story building before she could say anything. Just like that, a hero was born.

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