Chapter 9

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That night I was extremely paranoid. I laid in bed listening to every noise. Shadows from the tree outside would frighten me, thinking they were the people sent to kill me. I peeked out the window to be sure. There was no one around. I needed to calm down, I mean maybe Dr. Henderson's death was just a coincidence. I mean robberies and murders happened all the time around here. Besides, I have powers to protect me, why should I be scared. I tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable. I eventually drifted off to sleep.

A week had passers since I got the news of Dr. Henderson's death. I was at school helping Mr. Kent organize books. I was checking off the ones he had, and noting any missing ones. I had just finished studying my science and had nothing else to do with my time. Mr. Kent had went to the office to talk to the principal about something. He would sometimes leave me there alone. He trusted me enough to be a mature student while he was gone, and I was.

10 minutes had passed until he returned. "How are you doing on those books Genevieve? " he asked.

"I'm good, you're missing two algebra books though."

He walked over to read the list of books that I had checked.

"Ok, just mark them down, I'll try and find them. Some students might have taken them." he said as he grabbed the books I had already checked off, and set them on the shelf.

He stood there several minutes organizing them neatly onto the shelf as I continued checking books off.

"Oh I forgot! Here this was in the office for you. Its a birthday present. I honestly didn't know it was your birthday."

He pulled out a small box from his pocket. It was wrapped in a pink ribbon. He handed it to me. That's birthday is a month away. A small tag was attached to the ribbon.

It read 'Here's an early birthday surprise for Miss. Gardner. Happy Birthday!' in unfamiliar handwriting. He watched as I was about to open it. Suddenly I heard something. There was a small buzzing sound. Where was it coming from? I slowly put my ear to the box. It was coming from the package! The buzzing was getting louder. My face went from curiosity to terror as I ran for the window. I quickly opened the window and threw the package as far as I could. It landed about 110 feet from the school in the middle of a road.

"What is wrong?!" Mr. Kent asked in confusion.

I heard a distant beeping.

"Get down!!! It's a bomb!!!!!! " I shouted as I shoved him under the farthest desk from the window. I huddled next to him.


Glass shattered around us, I lay there afraid to move. I turned to see Mr.Kent huddled against the wall. I slowly got up. The glass from the window was gone. I looked out to see a large dent in the road where the bomb was. A few nearby parked cars were damaged, but I saw no one hurt. I hoped everyone on the bottom floors of the school were alright.

I looked to see a suspicious black camaro pull up behind the dent in the road. Four men in black suits got out. They looked towards the room I was in. Who were they? I sensed they were up to no good. They began walking towards the school. I began to panic.

"What is going on?! " Mr.Kent asked behind me. I wasn't so sure myself.

I watched as the four men pulled out guns as they entered the school. This was not good! I tried to think of a way to escape. I heard Mr. Kent ask again what was going on. He was getting impatient. I went to answer when I heard gunshots far down the hallway. 'Oh shit!' I thought to myself. I had to find a way to lead these guys out of here. I turned to Mr. Kent.

"Just stay here!! " I shouted as I began to run towards the hallway. I didn't want him to get killed.

"No, its my job to keep my students safe! You get in here!!! " he yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Mr.Kent! I activated my bracelet. Mr. Kent came running out just as I transformed into Atomic Woman.

"Gen...Genevieve? " he said in shock. Not realizing the four men aiming their guns at us.

"Yes, that's why I've been acting so odd lately! " I explained. I didn't want to tell him, but I had no other choices. There was a gunshot, it missed my face by a few inches. I seen them aim for Mr. Kent. He still stood there in disbelief.

I pushed him out of the way. The bullet missed him by a hair. I had to get him out of here!

"What the hell Mr. Kent! You almost got shot!!!!" I yelled.

The four men were a few feet in front of us. They held their guns up to us, we were cornered.

"Don't shoot! You can take me, just don't shoot him, please! " I pleaded.

The one man put his finger on the trigger. I flung my hands up in fear.

"BAM!" the gunshot rung. I turned to see that Mr.Kent was unharmed. How the......I looked up to see a glowing green ball surrounding him and I.

"I have a shield?!! " I yelled in excitement.

The men continued firing, but it could not beat the shield.

"I have a freakin shield!!!! " I said in amazement.

"That's nice Genevieve, but can we please get out of here? " Mr. Kent said nervously.

"Oh right....."

Atomic WomanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon