Chapter 11

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I sat there in my room, laying on the bed like the weak and pathetic person I was. I locked the door, my parents tried coming in. I was forced to lie to them, I told them that today had scared me and that I just needed time alone to cool off. They had eventually backed off.

I was again on the covers of the newspapers. Our school was closed down for a couple weeks until they got things cleaned up. I sat there, terrified. Those men meant business. They were willing to kill anyone in their way, they almost killed Mr. Kent and innocent students and teachers.

I wasn't terrified for my life, but mainly for my friends and family. If they knew what school I went to, they would know where I live. I couldn't...I couldn't think of any of my family or friends getting killed. I soon felt a rage inside me. I wasn't going to let anything happen to anyone. I sat up, I wasn't going to lay down or back down in fear anymore. No more running and no more hiding. Those people killed Dr. Henderson, nearly killed Mr. Kent, and are after me. I didn't care if the odds of winning this fight were against me, I wasn't going to make it an easy one for them.

While I was off school for those weeks, I began practicing with my powers while my parents were gone. As the days passed, I got better and better, and my powers grew stronger and stronger. I began going to the local recreational center to work out. Sometimes Tori would tag along with me. She would mainly do the treadmill, I however loved doing the punching bags.

Working out made me gain a little muscle. I took out my anger effectively. My aim and strength of my swings grew better too. I was preparing my body for a battle. In my spare time I was fighting against crime. I stopped 4 robberies, 3 high speed chases, helped in the arrest of an entire gang, and saved a little girl from being kidnapped by a psycho.

I was done with crime and violence. I had zero tolerance for it anymore. Criminals began to fear me, just my name sent them running. Over the weeks I grew stronger, I was a soldier finally fighting for my cause. My cause wasnt just against crime, my cause was my family and friends life. I would fight for theirs even if it meant I had to give up my own. I was ready for battle.

Before I knew it, a couple weeks had passed and school was back, unfortunately. I was walking to Mr. Kent's class. I really didn't know how he was going to react to the Atomic Woman thing. I walked inside and sat down. I pulled out my history book and began to study for the chapter test. I noticed that they had put new glass in the windows. The glass was clean and spotless. It was almost hard to tell that the window had nearly been blown to pieces by a bomb.

"Hello Genevieve " Mr.Kent said as he walked in the classroom.

"Hi " I said as I continued with my studies. There was an awkward silence as if he couldn't think of what to say or ask. He walked towards the door and slowly shut it. He sat in his chair and turned to me.

"What?" I said noticing him turned to me.

He quietly asked, "Well arent you going to tell me how you got your powers? "

I chuckled, it was as if Mr. Kent went from a mature adult to a 6 year old kid just learning about Superman.

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