Chapter 10

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I flung my hands out, trying to grab their weapons. Instead a glowing green laser beam shot out. It hit the wall, leaving a huge charred mark. I looked at my hands.

"Didn't know I had that either! " I yelled. I quickly grabbed all their weapons. They began charging at me.

"Mr. Kent, if teachers haven't done so already, try to call the police for help and don't tell them who I am!!! " I said. He quickly went to his room and followed my directions.

I began punching the first two guys. They threw a couple good ones back. I managed to knock one of them out. I turned around to get the other guy when he grabbed a hold of my hair.

"You cant beat us, mam." the guy stated cocky.

If there is one thing you should know about me, it is that nobody grabs my hair. I grew angry and head slammed him. This didn't hurt me, but it definitely hurt him. He lay on the ground holding his head. I stepped over him, I ran to Mr.Kent's room. I grabbed a desk.

"Excuse me, I'm going to borrow this." I stated to him.

He was in the corner on the phone with police. He nodded his head.

I ran out the door with it, the two guys left came barreling at me. I lifted the desk up and swung it like it was a bat. They were flung against some lockers. I walked over to them. I could see that the swing had hurt them. Good. Before they could get up, I ripped a locker door off its hinges and wrapped it around the two men tight.

"Just to be sure you guys don't escape." I said to them.

Suddenly something hard hit me in the head. I fell down, it actually hurt a little. I turned around to see the one man I head slammed holding a fire extinguisher.

"No more playing nice." he said annoyed.

I looked around at the destruction they caused.

"Since when is this playing nice! " I yelled.

I went to get up, the man charged at me. Sending me and him through the hallway window. I heard Mr. Kent walking out of his room, screaming my name as I was flung out the window. I landed on the ground with a loud thud. I surprisingly wasn't hurt. I looked to see he guy a couple inches ahead of me. He must have had a spinal injury. He laid there still. His eyes were on me however.

"You will not win Miss Gardner."

I got up, I seen Mr. Kent looking out the window, seeing if I was ok. I gave him a thumbs up. A smile spread across his face. I walked over to the man.

"How do you know who I am?! " I asked.

"I am not at liberty to discuss it."

"Why are you here?! "

"I was sent here to kill you. We cant have such a power going against us."

"Do you work for the government? "

"Not...not yours. I could never work for such lazy Americans! " he said weakly.

Before I could ask anything else, he interuppted.

"This isn't the end. It has only just begun. We are always watching."

I backed up in fear. There was a sudden ambush of news people and police official around me. They kept asking me questions, but I wasn't paying attention. I looked at the damage they caused. I darted off away from everything. I felt like I was going to be sick.

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