Chapter 5

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I drove up to the hospital. I immediately went to the reception desk.

"Excuse me, but does Dr. Henderson happen to be here right now?" I asked.

"Yes he is, give me one sec " the receptionist said. She pushed a button on the phone.

"Dr Henderson? Hi this is Lisa, you currently have a visitor who would like to talk to you." she said.

I heard hesitation in the phone he asked who.

"What is your name dear? " she asked.

"Genevieve Gardner, I am a patient of his." I replied sweetly.

She repeated what I said to him.

"Ok thank you Doctor " she said, "The doctor will be with you in a moment." she explained.

I stood there for a few minutes, observing my surroundings. A large fish tank was in the waiting area. I watched as the tropical fish swam around energetically. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see the Doctor.

"Hi Dr. Henderson...I have some questions....." I said.

He looked at me and pulled me to the side. "Listen, I cannot speak about this now. If you have a question, meet me tonight, 10 pm at this address."

He pulled out a business card with his name on it. He quickly wrote an address on the back of it and handed it to me.

"I really don't feel comfortable meeting a stranger at 10 pm. Can't you just take a break? " I asked. I looked over to see the receptionist watching us.

"I am not a stranger, I am your doctor," he replied with a smile. "Besides, it would be suspicious if I took a break and left with you." he whispered.

"Ok..... I'll meet you tonight then." I whispered. "Thanks for the help Doc! " I replied loudly as I left, trying to cover up what we were talking about.

I went home. My parents were in the kitchen cooking. I walked up to them. "Mmmm! Smells good, what are you guys cooking? "

"We are making spaghetti. It is about done. Can you go let Jake know? " my mom asked.

"Sure." I replied

I ran up the steps, I quickly put my book bag away and walked into my brother's room.

"Hey loser, dinner's done! " I replied.

My brother wasn't in the room. I looked under his bed. Some old pizza was under there and dirty laundry, but no brother. I looked around, nothing. I went to open the closet. Right in front of me stood a dark figure with a Michael Myers mask on.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. My brother laughed as he pulled off the mask.

"That is not funny Jake!!! " I yelled.

"Yes it is, you are such a baby! " he laughed. I looked to see a hole through the closet door. I must have accidentally punched the door when he spooked me. I hoped he wouldn't notice right away, but he did. He turned to throw his mask in the closet.

"What the heck?!!! You broke my door! " he said.

"Well you shouldn't have spooked me! " I argued.

My parents interuppted us. "Dinner is done guys!!! " they shouted.

We both darted down the steps. Our food was already at the table. I sat down. My brother sat down. We gave each other dirty looks as our parents got their plates ready. My parents finally sat down and we said our evening prayer. We began eating. My dad, mom, and brother talked about their day. I sat here quietly eating my spaghetti.

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