Chapter 15

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When I got home there was a package at the door. I grabbed it and took it inside. I set it on the table and ran upstairs to put my things away. I walked downstairs to make myself dinner. I opened the fridge. There was some deli ham. I decided to make myself a ham sandwich. I set my dinner on the table and ate. As I was eating, I looked down at the package on the table.

I looked at it. My Mom was an online shopper so I assumed it was for her. That was odd, there was no shipping address on it.....I looked to see my name written on the box. I dropped it. I put my ear to it, I couldn't hear any buzzing. I slowly opened the box and cautiously peeked in.

A DVD sat at the bottom of it. I picked it up, the DVD had green marker written on the front of it that read "Birthday Surprise." I really didn't want to watch it. I debated with myself for a few minutes on what I should do.

I grabbed the DVD and walked into the living room. My Parents were at work till 10pm and my brother was with his friends. I put the disk in the DVD player.

A woman with cat like eyes and jet black hair appeared on the screen. She had a Russian accent.

"Hello Genevieve, if you are watching this....I would like to wish you a Happy Birthday! We have been tracking you for quite some time. And can I say, I am impressed with your strengths and abilities. So to celebrate your birthday, I'd thought I would give you a little...surprise. You see while you were off saving the police, we had managed to find the perfect present for you....."

She turned the camera to show a pregnant woman crying. She held a little girl in her arms. "Please...let us go..." the woman pleaded.

I was confused, I didn't recognize the woman or the child. The. the camera turned to show a beaten up man. It was Mr. Kent. The woman and child was his wife and daughter. My heart stopped. He was all black and blue...they did this to him? He looked embarrassed to be seen in such a condition. The hostage situation with the police was all a distraction...and I fell for it. I should have known better!! The one person I promised to protect, was now in danger as well as his family.

"If you want your friend and his family alive, then come to this address written below. If you don't ....then prepare to say goodbye to your teacher." she stated.

She held a familiar address up. It was the abandoned warehouse where I had met up with Dr. Henderson. The video ended. I threw the disk back in the box. I sat there upset and angry at my stupidity. I knew that going there would be the end of me. But, I couldn't let Mr. Kent or his family die. I suddenly began to feel this extreme rage in me. I never felt like this before. Whatever it was I was feeling, wasnt the normal me. I was ready to fight, I wasnt going to let nobody die because of me. I watched as my nails turned long and silver. I activated my suit. I ran out the back door throwing away the DVD in the trash behind me. If its a war they wanted, then it's a war they will get.....

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