Chapter 20

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I slowly got up. She threw a punch to my face, knocking me back down again. She went to kick my head, when I grabbed her leg and twisted it. She lost balance and fell over.

"You are just as pathetic as me." I said to her in disgust. I stood back up.

I quickly looked around for the syringe. I had to inject the Keloformin back in me. If I wanted to live, I had to find the syringe. I looked to see it a couple of feet ahead of me. I began to walk towards it when I felt hands wrap around my neck.

I was thrown to the ground. She grasped my neck, slowly strangling me.

"You are not touching that syringe. It is mine! Once I inject the Keloformin in me, I can rule Russia....better yet the whole planet!" she replied cocky.

"So that's what its been about the whole time....not helping your country or destroying me. It was all for you to gain power!" I yelled.

"Yes....and I will succeed in doing so." she said.

"You killed innocent people, and allowed your own men to get killed all for power?! You dont deserve it!!!" I yelled.

I kicked her off of me. I gasped for air.

"Poor pathetic girl." she said.

I turned to see her standing up and pointing a gun at me. I looked around for something to use as a weapon. A fire extinguisher was to the left of me. I made a dart for it. A shot was fired but missed me. I managed to grab the extinguisher when I felt another shot hit me in the back. I fell to the floor.

"Why must you continue to stand up when all you do is fall right back down?"

There was pain shooting up my back. I held the extinguisher tightly.

"Life is nothing but falling down. In order to continue on, you need to get back up." I replied.

"Dumb move"

She kicked me in the side. I layed there for a second. I went against the pain in my back and stood up. If I was going to die, she was going to die with me. I began getting closer towards her. She fired the gun. It hit me just below the shoulder. I continued walking towards her. She shot me in the chest. The pain was excruciating. I held it in. She tried to shoot me in the head, but she was out of ammo. I saw the panic in her face.

"This is for the innocent police officers you killed!" I yelled as I swung the extinguisher. She landed on the ground.

"This is for Dr. Henderson!" I yelled. I swung the extinguisher at her head. She held her head in pain.

"And this is for nearly killing Mr. Kent and his family!!!!" I yelled as I swung with all my strength left. It hit her in the head, killing her. She lay on the ground dead.

She was dead. I did what I needed to do. I saw that I was bleeding severely. My body was weak. I collapsed to the ground. I lay there, it hurt to breathe. My breathing got heavier. I looked to see the syringe a few feet from me. I looked to see all the dead men and Carmen laying on the floor.

"God forgive me, I never intended to kill anyone. I am sorry, that I have become this." I said as my last words before everything went black.

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