Chapter 21

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Mr. Kent's Point of View


I ran out of the warehouse with my family. We had nowhere to go, no car to drive away. We were in one of the hardest part of the city. I led my family towards a parked car to hide behind. I didn't want anyone to come after my wife or little girl.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" the operator answered.

"My family and I were kidnapped and brought to an abandoned warehouse. Atomic Woman came in to save us, she is being attacked. Please, she needs help!" I explained.

"I'm sure she is fine. She always handled things on her own sir." she stated calmly.

"No! You don't understand! Her powers were taken away by this woman.. she is defenseless. Please, somebody needs to help her!!!" I yelled.

"Ok...what is the address?" she asked.

I gave her the address.

"We will have cops on the scene in a few minutes. Stay away from the building." she instructed.

I thanked her and hung up.

"Matt, what is going on? Who was that girl in there? " my wife asked.

"She is a student of mine...she is Atomic Woman. A Russian agent was sent here to kill her, because of her powers. She has protected us, and is risking her life doing so." I explained.

I heard sirens in the distance. My daughter huddled against my wife. I brushed my daughters hair away from her face.

"It's ok, you are safe now, Lily." I reassured my daughter.

Cop cars came flying up to the warehouse.

"Stay here." I told my wife as I began walking towards the cops.

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