there's this boy

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August 04, 2019

Coming to the conservatory every week, it's peaceful and freeing. It's also a nice reset before the new week. That's why I have come to this same place, almost every week, for the 6 years I have lived in Boston. I say almost every week because well sometimes I head home for a visit. But, when I am in Italy, I always go to a conservatory or a garden. As long as I am around butterflies every week, I am okay.

I am a very shy and introverted person believe it or not. So the butterflies just help with that feeling. Helps me remind myself that it is okay to put myself out there. You don't have to stay yourself all the time.

I say that as I am always by myself here at the conservatory. It is the most peaceful when it first opens since not many people are out and about at 9 am on Sundays unless they attend church. So it's always me and the pretty little creatures. Well actually not anymore.

There's this boy.

There's this boy and I have never seen him here before. That's a lie, I saw him here last week. But, he is here again and it's a bit odd. In the 6 years that I have been coming here every Sunday morning, I have never seen him before.

There's this boy and maybe he's just like me.

-WMP xx

August 11, 2019

There's this boy. This is the 3rd week in a row he's come, not like I am counting or anything. This might be weird now that I am thinking about it. I hope he doesn't notice my staring, that would be so embarrassing. I would go crawl in a hole and never be seen again.

There's this boy and I guess he is here to stay.

There's this boy who also enjoys butterflies just like me. Which is new and different, not saying that butterflies are just a girl thing. For so long it has just really been me here at 9 am on Sundays. Every once in a while there would be families with adorable small children or an elderly couple that would come and walk around. But, not someone who comes and sits to bask in the beauty like me.

There's this boy and I can't get him off my mind. I don't know who he is or what his name is. But, I am entranced by his peaceful nature. He looks so nice and warm; so friendly and kind. He looks like he wouldn't even hurt a fly.

There's this boy and I can't help but to steal glances at him. There is foliage that separates us but not enough to hide my sometimes obvious staring. He hasn't caught me, that I know of.

There's this boy and he caught me staring. It's over for me, I need to drop off the face of the earth now. We made eye contact and he smiled at me. He smiled!

There's this boy and his smile is the most intoxicating thing. His smile is so soft and happy natured. Something that makes you just smile because it's so contagious.

There's this boy. He comes a few minutes after 9 am when the conservatory opens. He is now always here before me, but he leaves before me too. There's this boy who takes 2 hours out of his Sunday just to be here.

There's this boy and I can't help but to wonder if we are any alike. Something that I wish I could know but, that's never going to happen. Especially now that he has caught me looking at him like a crazy woman.

-WPM xx

August 18, 2019

There's this boy. There's this boy that is here every time I am. This is recent as I have come here every Sunday at this exact time since I moved here six years ago. I don't know when he started coming but I am intrigued. This doesn't seem to be a crazy stalker situation, funny if it was. I think this has just happened out of chance. I am never the kind of person to claim something as mine, it's just weird that I have never noticed him until now.

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