|22| 09/30/2020

218 15 13

all good things must come to an end right?


Today is the day. I go in for my scheduled induction. Something that is normal when you are expecting twins. They schedule your induction at 36 weeks. Not sure why but I am just going with it. If everything goes okay then I get to meet my babies today.

I've been waiting for this day my entire life.

It's quite early in the morning, which I hate. But, I guess I have to take what they give me. That includes waking up at the butt fuck crack of dawn to go to the hospital.

"Harry I don't want to go," I whine as he finishes backing our go bags. He chuckles under his breath. "Win you have to, the babies have to come." I groan as I get up out of bed and walk into our bathroom of our new apartment.

I wash my face and brush my teeth, doing nothing exciting besides the basics. I know lots of women decide to get all done up but, that is the last thing I want to do this early in the morning especially when I am the size of a whale.

Once I am done I head back into our room and sit on the edge of our bed. Harry looks at me with a grin, "why are you so happy this early?" He playfully rolls his eyes.

"Okay Oscar the grouch, let's get you dressed." He grabs a pair of sweatpants that are more than likely not going to fit and a tee shirt. I pout as he throws the clothes next to me.


"Oscar the grouch? Is that what you just called me?" Harry starts chuckling and I look at him with no emotion. "Hey Kaley came up with it." Harry defends himself.

I roll my eyes, "I will be dealing with the both of you later." I warn him before I get up and change into the clothes he got out for me. Once I am dressed I go back to the bathroom because of course I am always going to the bathroom.

We make our way out to the main part of the apartment and my dad is sitting at the kitchen island sipping on his coffee reading the newspaper. Harry and him are just alike. "Harry, there is fresh coffee ready for you, you might need it today. Winnie babe how are you feeling?"

I just look at him. Harry walks past me, "Leo you might not want that answer," he leans down closer to my dad, "she's grumpy." Harry acts like he whispers it but I can hear him. I groan.

"Just like her mother," my dad comments. "Oh both of you are so insufferable." I sit down on the couch and close my eyes. Maybe if I fall asleep Harry won't make me go.

"Okay Win, it's time to go. Leo I will call you when I know more information about when you guys should make your way to the hospital." My dad nods and Harry walks up to me. I slowly get up off the couch and head to the front door.

We head down to Harry's car and he helps me get in and settle before he gets in. "Do you want to listen to any music?" I look at him and glare. "Okay, nevermind then." I close my eyes as Harry turns the car on and makes his way towards the hospital.

He hums along to the music that is softly playing through the car speakers. I watch the outside world as we zoom past it.

I'm excited.

I really am.

But, it's also scary knowing that today my life fully begins.

I'll be a mother soon.

We get to the hospital and Harry parks. He grabs my bag and helps me out of the car. We make our way into the hospital and to the front desk to sign in. Following the instructions that Dr. Wilson gave us at the final appointment I had. "Hi I am Winnie Pacitti, here for my induction appointment."

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