|16| theres this boy

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who wants to spend some time in tuscany with our butterfly babies? i know i do


April 06, 2020

It feels like I haven't done one of these in awhile...I am a bit dusty at this. Quite weird to even have this thing open with a pen in my hand. I don't even really know why I havent opened this up. But, I am here and I am back. I thought it might be nice to capture this big trip within this journal.

We got in last night around 8 pm and we immediately crashed when we got to our hotel.

Harry is meeting my mom and dad in the flesh this afternoon and I couldn't be more excited. Even though they have met over facetime many times, this is big. It's so big for me to even think about the fact that he is in one of my favorite places of all time.

My family is from Florence but I was born and raised in the Amalfi Coast. After I moved to the states my mom and dad moved back to Florence to be closer to my dad's side of the family.

My mom being from Boston and my dad being from Italy gives me the best of both worlds. The only thing that I hate about it is that I am not fluent in Italian.

We are getting lunch at my uncle's restaurant and then after that I am taking him around the city. Showing him everywhere I loved growing up everytime we came back to visit.

Got lots of things to cram into 2 weeks now that I think about it...

Hehehe I can't help but to write in the fact that I am giggling like a schoolgirl as I think about the things I want to take my precious golden boy to.

I never really get the chance to take in a lot of life or even get to watch him sleep so this is really truly amazing. Oh god I sound so fucking creepy. Why is he even with me?

I am forever grateful for him.

I am forever grateful that the universe brought us together out of a strange fate.

I am forever grateful that he is my forever lifetime.

I am forever grateful that we have both blossomed into who we always wanted to be.

I am forever grateful that he is the father of my babies because I just know he is going to be the best dad. I mean he already is. Plus he's so fucking hot. Who wouldn't want Harry Styles to be their baby daddy?

My mom has always told me to find the rose that has no thorns. I never understood it because why would I do that? But, seeming as though how drastically my life has changed since August I understand.

Roses don't need thorns to be beautiful.. You as an individual human being don't have to put up those walls. Just like roses.

A red rose with no thorns means love at first sight. That was the first bouquet of flowers I saw at the farmers market all the way back in August.

It was love at first sight.

Me and my perfect golden boy were love at first sight.

xx WMP

April 07, 2020

Harry is being really strange right now.

Like really really strange.

He woke me up to tell me that he is going on a bike ride with my dad. Which is weird because I never knew he liked going on bike rides and my dad is scared of bikes.

Butterfly Bliss |h.s a.u|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora