|19| 05/15/2020

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It's crazy to think that today is the last day of my first year of teaching. I made it through and yes a lot of the year was stressful but, I think I did a pretty good job.

Today my seniors hand in their final project and from what I have seen there is a lot of talent. I just hope they realize that they can do anything their heart desires. The freedom in expression, the freedom in art. Tonight we have an end of year showcase. Their projects will be displayed for the families of the students to see.

I will also get to tell them tonight that I am going to be a father.

It's going to be a good day.

"Harry, do you want a muffin for breakfast?" Winnie yells from the kitchen. I look at my outfit through the mirror before deciding that it's good for today. I close the window from it being open all night before I grab my phone off of my nightstand. Walking out of our bedroom, I head towards the kitchen.

"Sure, but can I also have one for my lunch?" I ask shyly and I see her contagious smile form while she slowly nods. "I already made sure to put one in there for you and one for Kid." Oh she knows me so well.

I walk up and press a soft kiss on her lips. My lips linger against her humming, "last day of school and the last day of the 17th week." My hands fly to Winnies stomach. She is starting to show now making it even more real. Winnie giggles breaking away from my lips.

"We will get to find out the babies genders soon, baby," she says softly as I rub small circles on her stomach. I smile at the thought that we are about two weeks away from her next appointment. This is the appointment where we can find out the genders if we want. "You still want to know honey baby?" Winnie nods.

"Yeah I think we should know, makes me really excited." I nod before I walk to the couch so I can slide my dress shoes on.

"Whatever you want my love," I get startled by baby honey who hops up on the couch next to me. "Oh hello my sweetness did we wake you up?" I pet her for a few minutes while Winnie finishes up making her lunch.

"I am going to take my car so I can meet you at the school after I get off." I nod as I get off the couch and pull my trouser legs back down. "Sounds good baby, I'll talk to you on lunch." I grab my bags and peck her on her lips, "I love you."

"I love you," she says as I walk out of our apartment and make my way down to the parking garage.

Once I am in my car I unlock it and set my stuff in the passenger seat. I choose a playlist before I pull out of the parking garage and head on my way towards the school.

I roll down the windows as Planet Caravan by Black Sabbath plays through the car speakers. Music is like art. Freedom in what you make. Music is art. The psychedelic sounds of the 60s and 70s have always been my favorite.

I pull into the teacher parking lot and shut my car off. Grabbing my things and heading into the school. Greeting all of my coworkers as I walk towards my classroom.

I unlock the door and turn on the lights making my way to my desk. Setting down my bags, throwing my lunch in the mini fridge before I turn the keurig on. Making sure there is enough water in it. Making myself a coffee while I set out my final goodbye present for my art theory kids.

Putting on some music I finish up a freelance piece for a local art exhibit. They hired me to make them a few pieces and this is the last one needed before they open next month. Once the bell rings my students start coming in and I clean up the mess I made from working on it. "That's a sick watercolor Mr. S!" James, one of my students, says as he walks past the work bench the canvas lays on.

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