|02| 09/09/19

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welcome back!!


Today a new week begins and I am dreading it. I am a month into the new school year and the high you get from a new year has worn off. Now I am just stuck with still trying to adjust to being a new teacher.

When I was in England I worked for a gallery because I didn't want to begin my teaching career just yet. So now here I am back in Boston and teaching. With the ultimate goal of owning my own gallery...eventually.

The kids I teach are amazing. Got a lively crowd that knows what they are doing and I can tell some of them plan on doing this after school.

I teach four classes for the seniors and one seminar for juniors who possibly want to go to college for art and art theory. There's two periods that I don't teach so both of them are planning bells. So that's when I get to work on my personal sketches and even freelancing work that I can't easily work on there.

I still freelance on the side because it gives me something to do outside of work since I don't have any friends outside of Kid.

My new hobby is drawing butterfly girl until it's a masterpiece so that I can hang it high in my gallery one day.

Hopefully one day she'd let me show her how beautiful she is.

Getting up this morning I make my bed before I go and turn on the coffee pot that I made last night. While I wait for that to brew I grab my book that I started last night. Butterfly girl reminded me that I recently picked up To the Lighthouse because I've never read it. So last night, I decided this would be a good time to read it.

I sit at the kitchen island with the sound of the coffee being brewed, reading. The sun barely begins to rise and I now know my day is beginning.

I love waking up before the sun because it's peaceful just like butterflies.

The coffee pot beeps to let me know that is done so I grab one of my coffee mugs and pour myself some. I continue to read while I have my first of many cups of coffee. Once I am finished I set my cup in the sink, I'll get that later when I'm home. I head into my bathroom to take a quick shower.

I get out of the shower and wrap my towel loosely around my waist before I head into my room to get to my closet.

I see my outfit that I laid out last night hanging up, I smile to myself because I would say this is a perfect outfit.

I find myself always needing to have a perfect outfit on even when it's not a Sunday just in case I see her around town

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I find myself always needing to have a perfect outfit on even when it's not a Sunday just in case I see her around town. Always need to have a perfect outfit on for my perfect butterfly girl.

I think I need a new nickname for her. Honeybee. It's perfect for her. Her hair is golden like honey.

I quickly get dressed and head back in my bathroom to finish getting ready for the day. Doing my hair and skincare. I do everything else before I slip on the rings that I wear everyday.

Butterfly Bliss |h.s a.u|Where stories live. Discover now