|06| 10/31/19

300 17 42

happy halloween!
tw: there is alcohol and drug use 



In the real world, Halloween is when kids dress up in costumes and beg for candy. In Girl World, Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it.

Or whatever Cady said in Mean Girls.

I haven't always loved Halloween. Growing up in a relatively conservative catholic Italian family it was frowned upon to do anything for it. But when I got older and decided to move to the states for school, I found enjoyment. Halloween weekend became my favorite thing. But, honestly I think that it's everyone's favorite thing about college. The parties are always top notch. You go on a four day bender and you dress in the most slutiest costumes.

As an adult in the real world, I don't do much now.

I pass out candy in my apartment building and stuff myself full of candy while watching disney halloween movies. When Halloween is during the work week I typically dress up for the kids. I have done my possible best to stay away from going to Butterfly Moon or any party since I have been out of college. Until this year now Delilah is forcing me to come. The only good thing about this is that Harry is coming with me.

It's Thursday so that means I have a full day at work before the party tonight. I already told my boss that I won't be in tomorrow because I doubt I will be in any condition to work.

Getting up this morning to the crisp fall breeze that is coming from my open window I smile knowing that today is going to be a good day. Now that Harry is in my life I have found that I am having more good than bad days, especially when it comes to confidence.

I am starting to slowly feel like I am coming out of my shell.

Just like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon. Spreading its wings and flying.

I quickly make my bed and make sure I give mr. Chirpy a pat after setting him by my pillow. Walking over to my window I close it so that it's not freezing when I get back. Once that is done I make my way into my bathroom where I wash my face and do all of that stuff before I do my makeup and hair.

I go to my kitchen and pack my muffin and fill my water bottle up and make sure everything I need is in my bag. Like my laptop, journal, book and my wallet plus all of my chargers and my airpods. Once that is done I walk back into my room to get into my closet for my costume for work.

You would think that I would do two different costumes, one more appropriate for work and then the other for the party. But, I am going with the same thing, just two different versions.

Once I am in my costume I go back to my bathroom to add the final touches and do my affirmations.

I head out the door, stopping at Ralphs for coffee and then make my way to the museum. Once I am in my office I look at my schedule for today and it looks like I just have the trick or treat parade at 1 pm today. I also have to make sure that the new exhibit is on track for opening tomorrow for the month of november.

After I look at my schedule I get settled in my office before I check with Joe and our crew.

"Good morning!" I call out once I slip into the closed off exhibit. Joe turns around and gives me a friendly smile, "Winnie good morning!" I look around before and then start to jot a few notes down. "So how is it going? I know you, have been a few late nights?" Joe nods, "yeah we were put behind schedule since some of the pieces were delayed but we are on track for tomorrow." I smile.

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