this is our forever lifetime

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epilogue one. 



I'm marrying my best friend today.

My forever lifetime since I laid eyes on him.

Our life has continued to flourish.

The twins are almost one and are the loves of my life. They grow everyday and flourish right before our eyes. Milah, my little water lily, is the most bubbly baby I have ever met. She always has a smile on her face. Unless...her daddy's not around, then it's another story.

Miles is a shy baby. Very quiet and only let me and Harry hold him. But, he is smart and independent. He learned how to roll over and sit up by himself before Milah. He also started crawling at 7 months and Milah didn't until 8 months.

"Someone wanted his mumma so H had me bring him over," Kid breathes as he holds a crying Miles. I chuckle at the sight of this.

"This will be you one day Mr. Harpoon." I grab Miles from him and start rocking him. Kid chuckles, "maybe, maybe not." I just give him a look before we both break out into a fit of laughter.

In January, we were in town for Christmas. We decided to just do a board game night so we didn't have to leave the twins with someone on my moms side of the family. All four of us were playing monopoly when I saw a new ring on Kale's finger.

"Um excuse me?" I gasp and pull her hand towards me so I can investigate. She just looks at me with the biggest smile. I see what looks like an engagement ring and what looks like a wedding band. "Kale-" I look up at her hoping she'd answer the question that I haven't even asked.

"What's this?" I softly ask and she starts giggling. Kid sits next to her smirking. "Well as of Christmas I am a happily engaged and married woman." Both me and Harry look at each other in shock.

"I know, I know this is crazy." Kids says with a breathy chuckle, "but it just felt right."

I look at Kaley waiting for her to tell the story. "He proposed to me after you guys left for your family's dinner. We ate and drank, to the point where I said fuck it. Let's just go get married." She smiles from the fond memory.

"So we went to a chapel and got married."

The rest of New Years we sat around drinking, them reliving their very special Christmas. Just enjoying the time we had together.

Now, my once maid of honor, is now my matron of honor because of her being married.

"Oh I know you want one," I egg Kid on and he stands there smiling. "Okay whatever I need to get back to your man now." I roll my eyes as Kid makes his way out of our suite.

"Tell him I said I love you!" I yell at Kid and he gives me a thumbs up.

I look down and see Miles asleep resting his head on my chest. Making my heart melt like always. "What did my husband want?" I hear Kaley laugh. I turned towards where her voice came from.

"To drop this little dude off," I say, chuckling. I stand up and walk to the tiny bedroom. Slowly laying him down in the pack n play so that he can nap and I can do what I need to do. Which is to get ready and write my vows.

"Okay you are getting married in five hours and you have an hour until hair and makeup get here. What do you want to do?" I ponder, this probably would be the best time to go do my vows.

I walk over to the couch and sit down. Grabbing my journal and pen. "Think I am going to do my vows." Kale nods before leaving the suite. Leaving me alone with my thoughts and what I want to say to Harry.

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