|13| 03/20/20

254 17 15

im back......

tw: throwing of/ mention of


This past month has been insane.

Jules stayed for two weeks before heading back to London. It was amazing having her here and getting to know each other. There were a few days where she went with Winnie to the museum and there were a few days when I took her with me to school. Other days she hung out with baby honey or went out and about while we were at work. On the Sundays she stayed in bed while Winnie and I were at the conservatory.

She laughed at us because she doesn't understand why someone would rather go there than sleep in late. Winnie made sure to take her to the farmers market with her and Kaley. It seems that my sister and Kale clicked which is a good thing since Juilet did mention moving to Boston.

It's mid March now and it's been hectic in our lives. Winnie invited me to Florence with her in April and it just so happens to fall on the week of spring break. We will be there for an extra week so I used my personal time for the rest of it.

This is the most important thing to me right now.

In these past two months, I officially moved into Winnie's place and we are keeping mine for just my work space. I hope to find the right place for us when both leases are up in October.

I have wanted to make her mine for a lifetime since I laid eyes on her all those Sundays ago. It's insanely fast and I never thought I would do something this insane but, I'm ready.

I am ready to ask my honey to marry me.

Florence is the first stop to make this happen. I am finally meeting all of her family in person for the first time, including her parents.

We have met on the phone and they already love me but it is important for me to get her father's blessing and I am going to ask him. I am also going to get her ring made in Florence.

I am not one hundred percent when I will propose but it will be soon. I just want it perfect for my perfect butterfly girl.

This morning I woke up before Winnie so I decided to get up and make us coffee while I let her sleep a little bit longer. Baby honey wakes up from her slumber while I get out of bed without waking Winnie up. "Come on baby honey, let's not wake mumma up please." I whisper, patting her head before I walk to the door and open it. I walk out and make sure that Win is still asleep before I close the door.

The sun is not awake just yet so it's the perfect time to get some reading done. I grab my book off of the coffee table to bring with me to the kitchen. I turn the pot on since Winnie already prepped it after dinner last night. While I wait for the coffee to be done I feed baby honey and make sure she has plenty of water.

I sit at the island while I wait opening my copy of The Great Gatsby. I was in the mood to reread it a few days ago and just before bed last night I started it again. It's one of those timeless classics that you never get tired of reading over and over again. It's also Winnie's favorite.

I hear the coffee pot beep telling me that it's done so I grab two of the mugs that I have made. I also grab the milk for Winnie's coffee from the fridge. After I make both cups of coffee, I sneak my way back into our room and bend down, placing a small kiss on her temple, wiping her hair out of her face.

Winnie stirs slightly. "Good morning honey baby. It's time to get up," Winnie whins, "I know, I know but we have to get up." Her eyes open and a small smile forms on her face before she pulls the comforter over her face. "But, I don't wanna." Her whins are muffled through the fabric. "I don't feel very well Harry, I think I am going to barf actually so please move." I furrow my eyebrows but move and she quickly jumps out of bed running to our ensuite. I rush after her as she kneels in front of the toilet. I grab onto her hair to hold it back. I close my eyes and take a deep breath as she throws the contents of her stomach up. I don't do well with throw up but I want to help her when she doesn't feel well.

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