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its someones birthday!


February 1, 2020

Today I woke up next to the boy that I have fallen madly in love with. The boy that was only just that, the boy that sat by himself across from me. The boy that never left my mind once. The boy that I wished I could know everything about him.

August seems like it was so long ago and I guess that's what happens when you feel like you have known someone for years.

Today is Harry's birthday and I want it to be the most special. Special because I want him to know what he means to me and just how special he is.

I also plan on telling him the last thing that I have held onto for awhile. The reasoning behind the butterflies. Something that a lot of people might think is a weird thing to hold in but...it's the one thing that I hold close to my heart and it's the thing that I am the most vulnerable about.

Doing this, I hope that Harry sees that it's okay to be fully open with me. I don't know much about his family other than his sister. His sister is his best friend, so I got her number from his phone and I texted her.

From that text, it turned into phone calls and now I am going to be picking her up from the airport.

So here I am writing this before I slip out of bed and hope that he doesn't wake up.

I just want his birthday to be special.

I softly close my journal and set it on the nightstand. I move the blanket off of my body and slowly get up off of the bed. Patting mr. Chirpy's head, I move to my dresser pulling out a pair of sweats and one of Harry's crewnecks. Once I am dressed I walk into my bathroom and quickly finish getting ready. Not doing much other than brushing my hair and teeth before washing my face.

Once all of that is done, I grab my journal and phone off of the charger, making my way out of the room. I slide on a pair of my crocs before grabbing my puffer coat, tote bag and keys. Seeing Honey sleeping on the couch I give her a quick kiss on the head before I leave out the door.

I head down to the parking garage and see my car. I unlock it and get in throwing my bag in the passenger seat before I take my coat off. I hate driving with a coat on. Starting the car and making sure the heat is on because we are in the dead middle of winter, I also make sure my phone is connected and playing a good playlist. Once that is done I make the drive to the airport.

The traffic to the airport wasnt to bad and I ended up getting there with over an hour until Juliet's flight gets in. So I pull into one of the lots while I wait. Pulling out my journal to continue from where I was.

Harry, my golden boy, deserves the world for his birthday. I wish I could give him the world but I cannot, so I hope this makes up for that. Talking to Juliet and getting to know her, I can see why her and H are so close. I know that the one thing that hurts Harry the most about not being in London anymore, is being away from her.

Juliet told me that Harry does have a hard time opening up. So she wasn't surprised to know that I don't know much about their family other than her. She also told me that she never stops hearing about me.

I told her that he never stops talking about her, so I was glad when she said that she is in on surprising him for his birthday.

Harry deserves more than the things that I can give him, I hope he knows that. My golden boy is too golden for this earth. He shines brighter than most stars.

The love that I have for him, I have no words. I can't put it into words because it is the most indescribable feeling I have ever had. I have never been one to say that they believe in love at first sight but, I don't doubt that it was in fact love at first sight.

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