|18| 04/10/2020

233 11 0


Today has been amazing and insane. Maybe the best day of my life, well other than the day that I met Harry.

We still have tonight's announcement too. Not only about the twins but the engagement as well.

I still cannot believe it.

I am actually making Harry my forever lifetime and starting the rest of my life. Something I never thought I would get to do.

I have always been shy compared to my other family members including my mom and dad. I never knew why and I always blamed it for the fact that I was an only child.

It's been hard trying to flourish and grow into who I truly am on the inside. Harry helped that.

We were two caterpillars in our cocoons when we first laid eyes on each other. Both of us, flourishing into the most beautiful butterflies you have ever seen.

Living the rest of our lives fluttering around the world together and creating even more beautiful butterflies.

"Winnie," Harry whines and I giggle as I finish touching up my makeup. As he sits on the counter of our hotel bathroom watching me. I smirk at him.

"You know I will take even more time if you are going to act like that H," he rolls his eyes and I laugh louder. Once I am finished I leave the bathroom and sit at the edge of the bed so I can slip on my heels. Harry follows me out and grabs my purse for me and the bouquet of roses for my mother.

I stand up and smooth my dress before letting out a breathy chuckle. "Are you okay?" I look up at Harry with a smile and I nod.

"Yeah I just still can't believe it."

We walk out of our hotel room and down to the car so that we can go to my aunt's house in the hills of Florence.

The car ride was peaceful, watching as people walk past and cars zip by us. Even a few mopeds passed us as we make the journey. No words were said as we just took in today and take in the beautiful scenery of a place I always call home.

Harry has mentioned us moving here to Italy. He wanted somewhere that felt like home for us to raise our family. London never made him feel like he was home. I don't blame him with everything he has told me about his mom and dad.

Once we get there Harry rushes out of the car and comes on my side to help me out of the car like he always does. "Happy birthday baby," Harry whispers as he interlocks our hands together. We walk up to the front door and Harry knocks before opening the door.

As soon as I walk behind him through the door I hear, "Congratulations." yelled towards me and Harry. My jaw drops as my entire family stands there with champagne flutes in their hands.

"What the fuck?" I exclaim and Harry starts laughing as I throw my head in my hands. Tears trying to fall from my eyes.

Did they know the entire time? Is this why Harry was being weird the entire week? So many questions and not enough time to ask them. I look up and see my mom and dad rushing towards me.

"Oh my sweet baby let me see Nonas ring hm?" My mom says and that's when it clicks that I have my grandmother's engagement ring on. I stammer and pull my mom into a hug before she looks at the ring.

After we talk to my parents we are rushed with all of my family coming up to me and Harry. My dad follows Harry around to help translate for the few family members who barely know any English.

I watch as they welcome him into the family with open arms. Home.

He's my home.

They are my home.


"Kaley did you know the entire time?" I run up to my best friend. She shakes her head.

I tilt my head towards her and she starts laughing as she takes a sip of her champagne. "He told us nothing. All he told us was that he wanted to have us here for your birthday." I smirk at her studying her face to see if she's telling me the truth.

"I promise Win," I smile and pull her into a hug. "We have so much to plan now," She continues and I remember that she has no idea that she is an aunt.

We talked for a little bit longer until we were all ushered outside to the long table set up with name tags for everyone here.

Me and Harry sat in the middle, Kaley on my left and Kid on Harry's right side. My parents are sitting in front of us. The rest of the family spread about the rest of the table.

Dinner runs smoothly as we all pass along the family style meal. Small conversations pick up around the table as we all eat.

Me and Harry decided to wait until dessert to announce the pregnancy so I sit as patient as I possibly could.

"Why aren't you drinking Win?" Kaley whispers in my ear. I shake my head, "I haven't been feeling well so I am just taking a break." I whisper back and she nods, dropping the topic.

I see my dad standing as he starts to clink his glass. "I just wanted to just say a few words to the newly engaged couple. Most of you just met Harry tonight. I have known him since December and I have loved him like a son the first time I spoke to him. The way that my beautiful daughter smiled. Beamed ear to ear just talking about him I just knew she found the one. Thank you Harry for making our baby happy. Welcome to our crazy ass family!"

I smile as my dad looks at us nodding. Harry mouths a thank you to my parents and my dad sits down. My aunt and uncle make a toast before my other aunt brings out dessert.

My family sings happy birthday to me in Italian and does it again in English. Something that they have done my entire life. I always say it's because I am so special they sing it to me twice.

We all eat our dessert and after me and Harry look at each other. He nods at me and squeezes my thigh. Taking a deep breath I slowly stand up. Harry following my lead.

This gets everyone's attention and I take another deep breath.

"Originally I was going into today thinking that this was just our normal family dinner that we do for birthdays but Harry had some other plans that all of you were clued in on. But we have our own little secret that we planned on telling you guys today." I look at Harry and he pulls me into his side.

I clear my throat, "um I'm 12 weeks pregnant." I look around to get a reaction and my mom has her mouth wide open, tears flooding her eyes. My dad has his hands covering his face. Kale looking up at me, shocked. Everyone else is cheering.

"I am also expecting twins." I throw in before Kaley jumps up from her chair pulling me into her.

After that it's a blur and a rush of emotions.

Today was a good day.

A really good day.

A start to an even better lifetime with my perfect golden boy by my side.



so now the cat is out of the bag and now everyone knows that our butterfly babies are having babies.

-hails <3

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