|03| 09/30/19

387 26 8

two in one day! im on a roll. this is another short one.


"This is Miss Winnie, she is one of our curators who is going to take you through the museum." I smile and wave to the group of small children. "Hi little ones, I am here to make sure you have so much fun while learning all kinds of cool things." A few of the kids start jumping up and down. "Now before me and Ms. Leonard take you around. Can anyone tell me something you find in a museum?" A few small hands shoot up in the air.

I chose the little boy in the back, "What's your name?" I point at him and he lowers his hand. He looks down at his feet. I hear him say something but I can't make it out. "What was that?" I put my hand behind my ear, "Jamie." I smile, "it's very lovely to meet you Jamie now can you tell me something you'd find in a museum?" I walk over to him, "umm lots of things but you can see dinosaurs." I kneel down and put my hand up, "give me a high five!" He slaps his hand to mine as he giggles. I stand up and walk back in front of the group, "As our friend Jamie said you can find lots of things here including dinosaurs. So why don't we go and see what kind of dinosaurs we can find." I start to walk towards the way of the first exhibit I am taking them through today.

Since it is a children's museum we don't have big dinosaur artifacts but we do have lots of interactive things for the kids to enjoy while they are here.

I love my job. Being a curator here at the children's museum has been amazing and I am so glad that I went this route. Growing up as a little girl I loved to learn. Anything and everything interested me, especially art. So when I went to college I knew I wanted to major in something like art history. I could have done quite a bit with my degree but I love working with children. So this was an obvious choice in my book.

Though this job does bring some challenges especially when I have to deal with field trip groups. I wouldn't want anything else as a job.

I take them through a few exhibits before it's lunch time. Meaning it's my time to leave the small ones and do the rest of my job. "Okay guys, that was my time with you. Miss Delilah will take over from here. Be good to her and your teacher Ms. Leonard. Remember what I taught ya?" They all nod, "okay let's all say it on a count of three!" I count to three, "treat people with kindness!" All of the little kids yell out and I smile. I wave bye to them and make my way to my office.

As a curator, I help with our exhibits. We have a rotating art exhibit, each month it's a different focus. Since it's the last day of the month it's closed off to the public as we exchange the art pieces. I head to my office so that I can grab my file for this month and go check in on how it's going. These pieces I hand pick and locate them to get them into our museum.

We try to make sure we have things to suit all ages. So this is an exhibit that is geared more towards the older children and adults who come here. It may be an interactive children's museum but we try to make it enjoyable for everyone.

"Joe how is it going?" I say as I slip under the plastic sheeting. He nods as he crosses his arms, "its going good, we are now putting the new pieces up. So we should be done just in time for opening tomorrow." I get excited, "okay good! I am glad we aren't having issues like last month. Sounds like we will have an exhibit the entire month instead of just two weeks." He clears his throat, "yes ma'am." I talk with Joe a little bit more as we walk through and see some of the pieces that are up.

All of the pieces we get aren't any of the originals but I believe that even if it's a copy, there will be someone who can enjoy it. We have a bigger museum here in the city that typically gets a lot of originals, which makes sense because we are just a children's museum after all.

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