|15| 03/30/20

246 17 5

hi im back, i know its been awhile. but, i am back now!


Today is the day.

Today is the day that we confirm the pregnancy.

Today is the day that we get to find out all of the fun stuff.

Today is the day that we will see our little butterfly.

To say that I am over the moon, might be an understatement. I can't express all of the emotions and feelings into words. The only way that I can explain it is that I feel like I'm on cloud nine and will never leave.

A lot of people who find themselves in mine and Winnies situation, might not know how to feel. Just from the shock of it all. But, as soon as she told me I was so ecstatic.

She made a cake that was simple. After that she grabbed the tests to show me. That night I stayed up researching because I only want to be the best boyfriend and dad going forward.

I guess it's perfect timing that I am planning on proposing soon.

Today we have her appointment. The day after we found out she called to tell them that we are also confirming the pregnancy at this appointment. Since she was only supposed to be going for a check up and birth control.

We plan on telling her family on her birthday at dinner, since her entire family will be there. I also plan on flying Kid and Kaley out so that they can be there to hear our news.

As long as they agree to it.

"Honey, we have to go if we want to get there on time..." I shout out grabbing my keys off of the counter. The appointment is at 9 am and it's about 8 am now.

"Okay I'm coming," She says as I hear her rushing around our room. Her head pops out as walks out. "I'm ready, we can go now." Winnie flashes a smile and we both leave the apartment.

Once we are in the car I unlock it and help Winnie get in the car before I get in. Starting the car I had Winnie my phone so she could pick the music for our car ride.

Candle in the Wind by Elton John starts playing and I smile as she looks at me with the biggest grin. She is always so happy and bright. Nothing is dull when she is around.

"Goodbye, Norma Jeane
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
They crawled out of the woodwork
And they whispered into your brain
They set you on the treadmill
And they made you change your name"

I start humming along with the words of the song as she starts looking at the city through the car window. I put my hand on her thigh to get her attention. She flashes a small smile before her hand squeezes mine.

"You okay honey?" She hums, "yeah just a bit nervous that's all." I can tell that she is. Winnie came such a long way from that shy girl that I once saw at the conservatory. But when something new happens or she's nervous she finds comfort in that old shell. Kind of like how when turtles are scared they retreat into their shell. That's Winnie.

"What's making you nervous? Is it the unknown of what's going to happen?" Her hand squeezes mine tighter and I nod.

"You know it's okay to be nervous? I mean this is new not only for you but for me. We have each other in this and that's all that matters. Whatever comes out of this appointment I am not going anywhere Winnie Pacitti." She giggles slightly.

"Where the fuck did you come from hm? Straight out of a rom com." I chuckle at her comment. "Thank you Harry for letting me be myself and helping me find who that is."

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