|14| 03/25/20

237 17 6

hi :)


Today is the third day I have stayed home not feeling well. I thought that it was just a 24 hour bug that I got from the one of many kids I hang out with everyday at the museum. Something that I am fairly used to by now since I have been working here for years at this point. Saturday morning I woke up sicker than I have ever been, but just like Friday it wore off after sleeping it off.

Sunday rolled around and the same thing happened. Monday followed and it was worse. Harry wouldn't listen to me and stayed home even though I told him that I was fine. I didn't want him to risk picking up anything because we are leaving for Florence in a little over a week. He didn't want to hear anything and chose to stay home. Yesterday rolled around and I felt better when I woke up. Harry had left earlier in the morning to get to school so he could finish a piece before school started.

I couldn't even shower without wanting to throw up, so I had to stay home.

Today is Wednesday and I am here in my bed again with baby honey laying on my stomach sleeping away. I find myself googling my symptoms. I don't have any other cold symptoms so it's not that. I don't think I have stomach cancer. There is only one other thing that it could be.

I'm pregnant.

As I read through all of the 'what to look for' symptoms that align with pregnancy the more I realize a few things and have many questions. With my morning spent researching, I realize that I didn't have my period when I was supposed to.

I am on the pill and after the month I am normally supposed to have my period. Looking at my app, I didn't get it in February. I also have never forgotten to take it because it's with all the other medications I am on. So I can't be pregnant can I?

I guess it's a good thing I already have an appointment with my gynecologist.

With all of the looming questions, I think I should take a test. It wouldn't hurt right?

I sigh, throwing my phone on Harry's side of the bed. "Baby honey do you want a sibling?" I see her eyes open before popping her head up. Giving me a small meow, I grin before I feel a few tears prickle my bottom lash line. What the fuck is wrong with me. "Yeah I kinda want one for you munchkin." I say as I pet her head.

Baby honey ends up moving off of my stomach so that she can get closer for more head scratches. I smile before I throw the comforter off my body and get up out of bed. I make the bed, making sure I give mr. chirpy a nice pat on his head.

Knowing that I am only going to the drug store I throw on a pair of Harry's sweats and one of his crewnecks. I walk in the bathroom so I can brush my hair and teeth so I don't look like I haven't left bed in days. I might not have left bed much but no one needs to know that.

After I am done in the bathroom I turn the light off before I grab my phone. Honey looks at me so I give her a quick kiss. "Momma will be back, I have to go get something." Giving her a few pets before I leave the bedroom. I grab my purse and keys before heading out.

There is a CVS about a half a block away so I make my way there. Walking as if I am on a mission, when I am indeed on a mission. Once I am there I head to the pharmacy area and grab a few different kinds. Digital, non digital, fast ones, you name it. I also grab some hot cheetos on my way to check out. Which is concerning. Honestly the most concerning thing about this.

I hate them with a passion but dip them in cream cheese. They are delicious.

After I check out I walk back to our apartment focusing on my breathing. Knowing that I need to stay calm because this isn't something that is scary to me.

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