there's this girl

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August 04, 2019

There's this girl. She was here last week when I came. I wonder why she is here again at the same time as me. Does she come here often?

There's this girl and I have so many questions. Do I continue coming here? Is she doing this on purpose? Maybe not, maybe it's just a weird and peculiar coincidence.

There's this girl and as I sit here watching the butterflies, I decide to sketch to get my mind off of this girl. Butterflies are something that I have always found beauty in. When I moved back here, I remembered this conservatory and I knew I just had to come. To sit with the beauty and be at peace. I wonder if she comes here for the same reason?

There's this girl who watches all of the butterflies swarm around the room. Her eyes light up as she is mesmerized by them. I glance across the room every once in a while as I draw the butterflies, the girl never leaving my mind.

There's this girl.

There's this girl who I have never seen before. There's this girl that seems to come here often. I hope I will get to see her again.

There's this girl and maybe she's just like me.

August 11, 2019

There's this girl and she's here again. This is the third week of me coming here and she's here. She seems to always get here five minutes after me, so she gets here around 9:10. Ten minutes after the conservatory opens for the day. I hope she hasn't noticed me looking at her, sometimes staring. If she has then I wouldn't doubt she thinks I am a creep. If she has noticed then that is just so embarrassing.

There's this girl and I guess she is here to stay.

There's this girl and I think she enjoys butterflies just like me. It's so weird that it's always just us here in the morning. It's weird that we both come at the same time in the morning on Sundays. Throughout my three weeks of me coming, families with small children have walked through. A few old couples as well. I want what they have. Sometimes I incorporate them in my sketch of the day. Capturing the beauty that is people seeing butterflies. There is a beauty within watching the magical insects.

There's this girl and I can't help but to steal glances at her. The foliage being my enemy in this situation. Here and there I notice her looking at me. So I am not the only one to be looking.

There's this girl and we locked eyes. God, I hope I didn't scare her off, I am known to do that. Shit what do I do? I smiled at her while we made eye contact and she smiled back. She smiled.

There's this girl and she has the most beautiful smile ever. Her smile is so bright and soft, seeing it only makes me want to smile. She has a natural blush that comes with her smile. What is her name?

There's this girl and I can't help but to wonder if she would want me to draw her. I want to because I want to capture not only the beauty of the butterflies but also her beauty.

There's this girl. She comes in a few minutes after me, she also leaves after me. There's this girl who enjoys Sundays at the butterfly conservatory.

There's this girl and I can't help but wonder if we are any alike. I am going to get that answer, I will make it happen. Even if she thinks I am a psychotic man.

August 18, 2019

There is this girl. There is this girl that is here every time I am. I don't know how long she has been here before me as this is only the fourth week that I have come. I just hope she doesn't think that I am some sort of stalker or anything like that. Chance and luck is what this is. Us coming on the same day and time every week just happened by chance. But, I am very lucky for it to have happened because I can't get her off my mind.

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