|05| 10/27/19

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"Harry good morning my friend!" I sing out to him as I walk into the conservatory. Harry looks up and immediately gets up to give me a hug. A thing he enjoys doing as of recently.

"Good morning pooh be-" I immediately pull out of his hug and point at him, cutting him off. "Do not finish that sentence Harry." I raise an eyebrow at him and he laughs as he sits back down. "Oh come on you know it's a good one Win." Yeah but you referencing Winnie the Pooh makes me miss home.

I sit down and pull my bag off of my shoulder. I look at him before I pull out my book to do some reading. Now that we are friends. Or at least that's what I would hope we consider this, a friendship. I try to not write as much until I get home about him because I worry that he will peer over my shoulder because it's Harry.

It has been two weeks since the run in at the fruit farm and it's been great since. Last Sunday when we got to the conservatory it wasn't awkward. It felt right immediately saying good morning. That day both of us forgot to do anything we normally do. It was just us talking and getting to know each other. All of this under the butterflies. Before we parted ways Harry gave me his number.

At first I didn't know what I was going to do with it. I walked to Kaley's apartment because I knew she would be able to give me some advice. To say the least she was shocked by me telling her what happened that Sunday and how we were able to just talk so casually, especially me. I still am shocked by this because this is so unlike me. Kaley gave me advice and I texted him that night. Now I am not too sure what I expected but I didn't expect Harry to text me back three seconds after I sent mine.

Three seconds.

A part of me likes to think that he 0was waiting for my text. But, the reality is that he probably was just on his phone and saw my text come through. I mean who just sits around waiting for a random number to message him.

Once he texted me back it's been game over since. We continued getting to know each other through text and then he called me Tuesday after I got off of work. We were on the phone for hours talking about anything and everything. Playing a few rounds of 21 questions along with two truths and a lie.

Late night talking quickly became my favorite thing. I found myself waiting by my phone waiting for his call just so that I could hear his voice.

I know its pitiful but fuck have I fallen.

Throughout all of this I now know that he went to college here in Boston but went back to England for a couple of years. Now he is back and he is an art teacher for a high school in our area. Which makes my heart do a ton of back flips.

One thing that I cannot get over is that he's British. Now everything just makes sense.

At this point he knows everything about me besides the butterfly thing and it's the same for him. I know everything about him besides why he loves butterflies. I mean I might not know everything about him and he might not know everything about me. But, it's pretty damn close and I am not complaining.

It's still so weird how I have now only known him for two weeks, I feel like I have known him my entire life.

We have not done anything outside of hanging out while here and talking on the phone. But, I have a feeling that will change soon.

"You look beautiful today Winnie!" Harry says while he opens his book. I feel my cheeks turn red, "Thank you Harry. You look handsome today." I giggle as I look over at him. He just shakes his head before saying thank you. I am not wrong. He looks very handsome today.

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