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i stood in the corner watching everyone rushing around the staffs running around to set up the lighting and the different angles some models were getting their hair and makeup done while some were in the dressing room i jolted up at  the sound of lucas who rushed out calling everyone "EVERYONE WE NEED TO BEGIN WE ONLY HAVE TWO MORE DAYS TO DO THIS COMPETITION AND TODAY WE'RE GOING FOR A SUMMER VIBE SO LIGHT COLOURS PLEASE DO YOUR BEST OR YOU'RE FIRED"  I looked seeing everyone terrified while some of the models were giving him googly eyes i felt angered, repeating 'God give me strength' in my head  i turned away sitting on the floor in front the stroller playing with luna. The models then started posing and getting their pictures taken i watched in awe as i saw how beautifully the images came out, this went on for an hour soon hearing lucas tell everyone to take a break not even gonna lie watching him in action was an attractive sight i shaked my head realizing i almost thought about someone else lustfully "God forgive me" i said standing up to get a snack for me and luna "what did you do" a voice asked i turned to the familiar voice "huh" "you asked God for forgiveness why?" "Uhhhhhh i thought of something bad nothing to worry about" "well okay then i'll be coming over for studying tomorrow morning same time" he said walking away i guess hes talking to me now, him and his personalities i thought grabbing the snacks and sitting back down while eating and feeding luna.

whyyy i thought over and over i told myself to ignore her my mind told me to go back and mention our bible studies honestly i was intrigued about God i never grew up around much religious people except for my mother, i looked back seeing her playing with luna she would make a very good mother sucks to know she's infertile i sighed knocking myself in my head stop thinking about her soon laura came around where i was without thinking i grabbed her and kissed her hard while caressing her hair, she responded back and let me explored her mouth soon i pushed here away "meet me tonight in my room" i said walking away "yes boss~" she responded watching me walk away, i continued the photoshoot ending it at 4:50 since luna seemed tired as well as sienna. we entered the car and sienna fell asleep same with luna, laura was still talking even though she was supposed to be the tired one i drove back to the resort taking up luna and waking sienna she stumbled almost falling over laura was long gone saying she was sweaty and all i lifted sienna throwing her over my shoulder hearing her gasp at the sudden movement i carried her to her room placing her on the couch where we sat this morning her skirt almost lifted up but i quickly pulled it down placing luna on her bed soon stooping down in front sienna  taking her heels off she rubbed her eyes getting used to the rooms light  i got up immediately "i was just taking your shoes off no funny business i wouldnt do that to you" i said explaining myself before she got the wrong thought "its okay i know you wouldnt do that" she said walking up to me, now without her pumps she seemed shorter than before "how do you know i wouldnt" "because God's love and knowledge as entered your soul" "huh" "the moment you decided to learn more about him he gave you wisdom more than you had before" she said "i okay then thanks i'll be going now i have something to do" i said she just nodded walking into her bathroom while yawning. i walked into laura's room she was sitting on her bed i walked over to her as he got up caressing my arm "you ready" she said getting on her knees "STOP please this was a mistake" "WHAT why did you change your mind i know you want me" "saying i didnt would be a lie but i still want to stop it doesn't feel right" "is it because of your assistant" i didnt respond "so it is get over yourself she doesn't want you she already got someone" "whatever dont drag her into this" i said walking out her room she walked in the hallway "remember we're fiances you can't just walk away" "i just walked outside the building to get some fresh air

i walked out the bathroom drying my hair with a towel still in my bathrobe luna was still asleep but she was dirty so i had to wake her up but before i grabbed my fluffy pajamas putting it on then getting a baby basin and gently bathe luna i then put her in a purple fluffy pjs to keep her warm she was awake at this point and was just watching me closely and curiously i tickled her belly while she lay down the door then opened showing lucas standing there "oh hey" i said as he walked closer until he stood beside me looking at luna who kicked her little legs excitedly he then reached out touching her hand as she gripped on it i laughed softly while looking up at him he looked at me swiftly attaching my lips to his, it was soft and gentle no rush no roughness and no tongue was involved it was just a soft delicate kiss, he backed away separating our lips "i-i oh my gosh i-i just c-cheated" i said in shock after realization kicked it "im sorry i dont know what came over me i apologize please forgive me" "dont ask me for forgiveness i mean i do but we need to pray we both just committed a sin" "wait huh which" "lust sexual immorality wait do you feel lustful towards me" "n-no i just wanted to kiss you i dont have any intention of  doing anything more wasnt even thinking of it" "oh thank God then we're safe but i still cheated" i said sadly "im sorry i didnt -" "its cool lets pray" we held hands as we stood in front the bed and i began to pray once we were over i let go of his hand turning back to luna who was making noise as if she was trying to say something playing along i asked "what are you trying the say" "d-d-a" i looked up at lucas as he did the same "are you trying to say dada" "mo-m-mama".


The Bible tells us a lot about lust and sexual immorality, and that we are to flee from sexual immorality and lustful desires. If kissing before marriage stimulates lust or leads to sexual immorality, it is a sin and should be avoided between couples that are not married.

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